Stray is a super cute game with a pretty immersive story that captures the player’s attention well — the only reason I can’t rate it any higher, personally, is because it feels rather short to me and I would’ve loved to engage more into its captivating story and world. I love cats :3

This game is overhated undeservingly, personally I did not enjoy it at first due to a certain story aspect but as I played it more and more I came to love it far more than the first game. I’ve replayed it twice and plan to play it many more times — everything about this game is perfect, from the stealth / combat / enemies / etc. to the whole vibe of the game itself it is just an amazing experience. The story is solid, in my opinion, though a few things do feel a bit iffy to me it doesn’t deter from my opinion that this game is near perfect.

Death Stranding is in my top 5 favourite games of all time — admittedly I only bought it because Mads Mikkelsen was in it, and I definitely began to feel bored a few times within the early chapters of the game. But once the game picks up then you truly get to experience the magnificence that is this game — Kojima is a godsend. A lot of people do not like this game because of the “walking simulator” and lack of action, but personally it is a great change from so many games that are like that, this is a game that truly gets you immersed in its heavy story and makes you think about what information is being thrown at you. Death Stranding is a beautiful story with amazing gameplay and I urge people to truly try it out for all of its full glory.

I was almost deterred from playing this game due to J.K. Rowling but I’m glad I bought it anyways — this game got me back into my love for Harry Potter, although this game isn’t the greatest ( somewhat weak story, and the platinum is quite a gruelling task ) I still enjoyed it whenever I played it, which was about 5 times.

I got this game for free through PS+ and I’m very glad I played it ( I’ve been wanting to ever since it came out but never had the opportunity ). This game has a great story and is probably one of the best games when it comes to choice based stories, I definitely want to replay it at some point and possibly platinum it.

Absolutely love this game from the visuals to the gameplay to the story, I love the fixed camera as it only adds to the feel of horror that this game is centred around. Definitely want to replay it at some point and try to platinum it.

I absolutely love this game, I’m not a fan of TWD show series but a friend recommended this game to me and so I decided to try it. I love the story and the characters, Telltale games are some of my favourite and I love all the choices you get ( although some are linear and don’t really affect your game / the mapped out story ). I’ve already purchased the rest of the season’s and am eager to play them.

Loved the updated graphics, such a wonderful game to enjoy again on the updated console.

Absolutely love this game from the story to the characters, such great fun and easily replayable!

I love the entire vibe of this game and how there’s pretty much no combat, just you having to run and hide — makes a good change from other horror games. Definitely a fun one to indoctrinate unknowing participants into playing ( your friends ).

Although not perfect, I still think this game is very good — it was nice to have my friends watch me play this in the evening, and that it wasn’t so gameplay driven where they had to pay attention to their screen the whole time, they could go and do their own thing and just listen to what was being said. Very fun :)

Game is good at its core but Blizzard have no idea how to handle this game and so they make one bad decision after another that ruins the health of this game. I still play it anyways :/

I think this game was the most like Until Dawn in regards to atmosphere and the general gameplay. However I think it still lacked in some places where Until Dawn thrived — but this may just be because Until Dawn was such a massive hit that it’s hard to recreate in other plot lines. Still a fun game and would recommend to play with friends for extra enjoyment :)

Honestly I love this game, even though some players are straight up frustrating and some changes that BHVR make are questionable — it doesn’t take my love away for it. Admittedly I took a long break from this game as it began to affect my mood and I would be the classic raging gamer when things didn’t go right, but coming back to it now I can never find myself getting frustrated no matter how bad it gets. It’s just so much fun to me with or without friends :)

First game I ever played when I got my PS4 back in 2016, I absolutely loved it then and I love it now — it is the perfect kind of horror game to keep you on the edge of your seat, with a great cast of characters and a fantastic range of choices that will all effect the story in different ways.