It's not as bad as everyone says, especially with the DLC. That said, it's also not great, even for Pokemon standards.

Peak Kingdom Hearts. Except for the Final Mix version, of course.

A faithful remake of an amazing game.

It's painfully unfunny at times, but the story's pretty neat.

Mixed feelings plague this game for me. A story that's good except for when it isn't (and I'm not talking about the ending, which I loved), gameplay that's the peak of the series (which isn't saying much), and tons of jokes both funny (Everyone who isn't Miu) and not (Miu).

This is a classic game that deserves all praise it gets. Engaging gameplay with a crispy 2000's smell, and an entertaining "story", and a reasonably high skill ceiling. It's a shame all of the other games in the franchise were such stinkers.

A sequel to one of the most unique games of all time. I worried that this game would lose the charm of the original.

It did not.
This is a sequel that knows how to be a sequel. With revamped gameplay that still retains the charm of its predecessor and a story that's almost as good, this game deserves high praise.

Already better than Undertale, and that's saying something.

Technically I haven't beaten this, but I can say with certainty that it is definitely one of the games of all time. Disney fans will find loads of joy in this experience, and those who are tired of games with complex plots can rest easy knowing the first game is the one that's not too crazy. However, while this game doesn't do a lot wrong, it doesn't do a lot right. Except the combat. Combat's cool.

The definitive Splatoon experience. If you want to play Splatoon, this is it.

Simultaneously the best and worst Pokemon game. This three-star is not of mediocrity, but of clashing extremes.

The story almost disappoints but manages to not. Haven't played Blue Lions or Black Eagles so I can't speak on those. The gameplay... is. Love the characters though.

Just when everyone thought it was gone for good... it came back stronger than ever.