This is the only Zelda game to not have Stalfos. But it's pretty good despite that.

Out of all of the games I have ever played, this one is the most dear to my heart.


A truly legendary experience. There is not enough praise I can give this game for its attention to detail, characters, everything. This game is truly phenomenal from start to finish, and I cannot recommend it enough.

A bold game that isn't afraid to take risks. Although a few of the game's mechanics are... odd... it is more than made up for by the story, gameplay-story integration, and characters. It's So Wonderful.

Many things can be said about Undertale. But one thing that cannot be denied is that it has stood the test of time. A truly heartwarming experience that will stay in my memory forever.

While overshadowed by its successor, Portal still has much to offer, even for those who have already played Portal 2.

This game alone rekindled my hope for the franchise. A, heh, Legendary experience. Aha, ha, ha.

I mean... It's smash. What more could you want?

Never have I seen such a plethora of questionable design choices. And yet despite this, it manages to suck you in. For about a month, of course; then you get tired and forget about it for half a year only to pick it up for another month, rinse and repeat. At the same time, though, I can't call this game bad, because it very much is not.

Just when everyone thought it was gone for good... it came back stronger than ever.

The story almost disappoints but manages to not. Haven't played Blue Lions or Black Eagles so I can't speak on those. The gameplay... is. Love the characters though.

Simultaneously the best and worst Pokemon game. This three-star is not of mediocrity, but of clashing extremes.