the bosses kinda suck, but the rest of the game is really good. the level design doesnt always work with the boost gameplay, but ill let it slide because its a first attempt. good job

ALSO one of the best spundtracks in a video game

im really conflicted on this one. naturally i had to beat this one after playing Origins. and im having a tough time deciding if this is better than S3&K. i think S3&K beats it, but just barely, but barely

one of the best pieces of DLC ever made. five years was definitely worth the wait

definitely not the most polished game ive played, but still a delightful platformer that feels straight outta the mid 2000s. smoothing out the edges and focusing more on level gimmicks is what id like to see from a sequel

dunno why i enjoyed this game as much as i did, but what the heck it’s actually fun. the music is great, the levels are genuinely fun to explore. it’s nothing mind-blowing, but it’s actually a banger

another perfect game. cant wait for the third one :D

obviously the games are amazing. but to say it’s “a collection” is definitely false advertising. when you purchase the game, it just starts downloading Portal 1 and 2 onto your Switch. there’s no collection, no extras, nothing at all. there’s not even a new menu that combines the two. it’s literally just Portal 1 and 2 on Switch, which is fine, but i feel like they could’ve added a little bit more

revisiting this game makes me appreciate what it does. it definitely has the best atmosphere of any metroid game. however, it suffers from poor controls and some weird walls-that-aren’t-walls kinda stuff. it definitely doesn’t need it, but i think this game should get a remake sometime soon

a masterpiece of gaming. Metroid Zero Missions takes the good parts of Fusion and Super and combines them into one delicious meal, while also providing the best way to play the original Metroid game

i’m really conflicted on if i liked this game more or less than Wario Land 4. i liked the shorter level, the art style, and the bosses a lot more. but there wasn’t as many surreal locations as Wario Land 4, and the music wasn’t as panic-inducing. both are terrific games that you should check out tho

a very good 2D platformer, altho the levels do drag on for a touch too long

overall, very fun wave, tho, outside of the first one, i would say it’s the weakest of them. still fun, but it’s not without some kinda meh courses