14 reviews liked by rotjonk

Finished in 2024

Very short (1-2 hours) puzzle game. The art style is gorgeous and the storyline touching. I wish the puzzles were a little more challenging but enjoyed it nonetheless.

The game started pretty strong, with fun visuals, interesting story and great music, but over time it became really stale and pretty boring. I look 2 breaks to finally 'beat' the game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
- Gameplay;
The combat never really clicked. Most characters felt like a one trick pony and there wasn't much to strategize. Items felt useless and barely any minigames/side activities.

+ Music;
The music there is, is very good. But I really wish there was more. Almost all areas used the same music which is a real shame.

+ Graphics;
The visuals were the first thing that got me interested in the game. It's fun discovering new areas and enemies.

- Story/Characters;
Only sylvando did it for me. All other characters were super boring to me. I really dislike the main character was silent. Especially when that important thing with his family happened and he just doesn't respond with any emotion.

No, I'd recommend others JRPG's over this one.

Zeer goed spel. Een RPG die niet langer dan nodig is, waar veel in gebeurt. Heeft goede muziek (speelde met de SNES soundtrack). Heb genoten

Het is meer Katamari Damacy, maar dan met een soundtrack die minstens zo goed is. Had wel het idee dat de balans soms wat vreemd was, met soms ineens hele moeilijke levels, en dan weer makkelijkere levels. Maar het is wel gewoon een mooie game en een complete fever dream.

Finished in 2024 on Steamdeck

I didn’t think a medieval murder mystery would leave me emotionally scarred, but here we are. Pentiment is a beautiful piece of storytelling and artistry. Trying to uncover the mystery of Tassing piece by piece, spanning multiple generations - the story really had me gripped and left me wanting more each act. It really felt like the choices I made and the things I said mattered.

Prima spel. Ergens had ik gehoopt dat het meer dialog zou hebben, en dat er sowieso interessantere dialog zou zijn (zoals Animal Crossing op de GameCube). En sommige veranderingen t.o.v. New Leaf zijn jammer. Maar ik heb me wel bijna 2 maanden vermaakt met de game tot ik de "main objective" gehaald heb, dus dat is wel een goed ding denk ik

astarion hug >>>>> astarion kiss

A fun game with interesting story, but it tries to be a RPG and action game at the same time which ends up in both not reaching it's gameplay potential.
Also first game of 2024 & first big PS5 game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
I enjoyed it but it was a bit too repetitive. Throughout the game you get new abilities and they pretty much all do the same, deal damage. I really wish more rpg elements came into play, because now I was just spamming attacks instead of having to think about what attack would do most damage (because of a weakness for example).
The icon battles were fun te see and was impressed by the visuals and such, gameplay wise it was a bit too easy.
I have to say the controls felt very nice. You felt the impact of your attacks and doing a parry or perfect invade felt satisfying.

++ Music;
Like most FF games, also this game's music was on point. I do wish they would be more suited to casually listen to, but that would have been an extra. While playing the game all music perfectly fits.

+ Graphics;
I've made several screenshots and felt like they gave you time to do so. Got some impressive visuals but most of the areas you visit feel too similar.

+ Story/Characters;
The part of the story I enjoyed the most is how the main message can be translated to real life. Makes me think about stuff, which is a plus for me.
The side missions were a bit much, especially later in the game. They surely loved talking, because plenty of things could have been told in 2 sentences instead of 15.

The characters were alright. I didn't really get attached to them and there wasn't a favorite for me in the end. Probably cid if I had to chose one.

Yes and no. Idk actually. I'll just say I enjoyed my time and don't regret playing it at all. I just don't know who to recommend it to, because I feel like there a other games who I would recommend instead. It's mostly because of what I said earlier, it tries to be an RPG and action game but in the end it's only half of both.

Finished in 2024

Yakuza 6 aka Kiryu forgot to teach sex ed at the orphanage.

All jokes aside: I know this installment had mixed reactions from fans, but I honestly liked this way better than yakuza 5. I’m a bit over the Haruka as damsel in distress trope though, but I think the overall narrative and story of 6 was powerful. The final chapter really hit hard for me.

Having played the story consecutively 0 through 6: i’m glad we’re back on the dragon engine. I honestly don’t know why people hate this combat/leveling system so much, i’ve been thoroughly enjoying it.

Great send-off for Kiryu for now (even though we’re getting 8 soon).

People seem to hate so much on Gates to Infinity -- and trust me I can see the obvious hurdles -- but it's a good 20-hour-ish game.

The story is great and definitely is on par with everything that Explorers put down. Side characters have semi fleshed-out personalities and backstories. There is an option to make sleep/totter/whatever seed farms which adds to the overall goal of your partner. It's very cute.

It's the extremely slow text speed, limited character roster and unwavering dungeon designs that make this game hard to get through. The first couple of dungeons and the final dungeons have the same layout and are all hallway spaghetti.

It's not as replayable as EoT/D/S but I had fun playing it nonetheless!

Definitely watch a playthrough if you are not as invested in the Mystery Dungeon saga but want to experience the story.