48 Reviews liked by rpgislife

Gave it another try, and finally pushed through until the end. At a certain point, you just completely forget about the fact you're playing a 9 year old game in what is now considered "old hardware". 30 FPS stop being an issue when I'm having so much fun.
Incredible soulslike game with very challenging bosses and fun weapons (Especially the Whirligig Saw... god I love that thing)

I genuinely cant imagine a better remake for ttyd, from the tiniest of QOL changes like the partner wheel to all the knew graphics, character faces, and remastered sound track. i still have my orginal ttyd disc from when i was a kid, and i feel like a kid again. I know the game is a bit slower, but to be honest unless your a brain rotted ipad kid who cant sit still for 5 seconds it really doesn't matter. Hopefully the (so far) amazing reviews and feedback will keep paper mario afloat for future games, and praying we just go back to normal turned based combat (looking at you origami king)

Ari is the first character to truly be likable in this game's universe. Fuck you Nicole for treating her that way


The nostalgia goggles are finally off. This is indeed the best Smash game ever made

You know what? It's not worth writing a long paragraph for this again like last time. This is the worst Sonic game I've ever played and it made me wanna quit the franchise for a while. Thank God the movies re-kindled my love for the blue dude.

Ah, Heroes. I love and hate you at the same time.

More functional than the Wii U game but still an abomination

The best Walking Dead content. No contest at all

A neat little idea but got boring quickly

Objectively the best version because Knuckles

I feel like the more I play this game the more I like it. I used to hate the mech and treasure hunting levels but I find them quite fun now. The speed stages are obviously the highlight though. Was a fun quick 3 hour stroll down memory lane.

The gold standard for compilation games

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"Mommy's sleeping, honey, ok? And I'm gonna have to put you to bed too, ok?"
( ;´ - `;)