I really love this game and you can thank Jacksepticeye for getting me into it, all of the Colossi are so unique, the soundtrack is beautiful, and the way that they rebuilt this game from the ground up and made it stunning visually is also great.

FNAF 1 is a fantastic game with a fantastic atmosphere, also this was back when Freddy was more of a threat.

A game that SquareEnix keeps trying to fix...In all the wrong ways.
I actually returned to this game recently and finally finished it and it was worse than I remember.
I am never returning to this game again.

I liked this game in the beginning, it seemed to be very promising, but later, it became clear to me that this game wasn't ending anytime soon.
Don't get me wrong, big games are great, but this one just seemed like it was dragging on for way too long, and every time I found myself being interested in the main story of the game, which is by far it's strongest part, it would force me to do a few more arcs before I could advance the story, which was complete and utter bullshit.
I felt nothing, but relief when I finally finished the main story, because that meant I could put this game away once and for all and mark it as complete.
Though I didn't get the Templar Ending or the Puzzle Ending, or the Conquering England Ending, I felt as if getting the main ending was good enough.
And if Ubisoft doesn't start making Assassin's Creed games like they used to, which is very unlikely, this will more than likely be my last AC game.

I definitely consider Elden Ring to be the best open world game released in the past few years, the open world is vast and filled with challenging enemies and exploration is rewarded by either getting a new weapon, a new spell, you name it.
That being said, I still have my own problems with it, there are a LOT of recycled bosses in this game, there's a huge difficulty spike towards the endgame that makes you feel like all of the experience and levels that you gained before then feel almost pointless, some bosses are incredibly unfair to fight and desperately need to be nerfed, (Godskin Duo, Elden Beast) regardless, I still enjoy the hell out of this game and it's still one of my favorite games of this year, I just hope that Fromsoft fixes some of these issues that plague, not just me, but a lot of players.

The very first Souls game I've ever beaten and it just so happens to be my favorite, I love the boss design, the combat is a bit faster paced than past titles, and the music is just perfect.
And the DLCs make it even better.

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If I didn't have to play the same stages over and over again, if I didn't have to listen to the characters talk again and again and again, and if I didn't have to go through the special stages just to get the final ending to the game, this game would be way better in my book.
That being said, the voice acting and story writing is really good in the game, all the voice actors shine in their respective roles, not to mention that final boss fight with Metal Sonic will never get old.

It is a very broken game, but it does have some decent elements to it, not enough to save it, though.

When I replayed this game recently for a marathon leading up to the release of Valhalla, I actually started liking it a bit more, that has changed.
I now see what everyone was talking about, the Assassins and Templars are basically just switched around now, to give Shay more of a reason to join the Templars, like they couldn't have made his change be about some disagreements or maybe he saw that the Brotherhood wasn't truly helping people and decided to leave them so that he could be more of a help to them?
Nope, the Assassins are assholes and the Templars are nice.
Not to mention, this game has a pointless tie-in with Unity that amounts to nothing in the end.
Another thing is that the game is basically Black Flag, but boring, how do you take a game like Black Flag and make it boring?!

Adewale is definitely one of my favorite Black Flag side characters and seeing him get his own DLC entry is pretty cool, I only got around to playing this last year, so my opinion on it is pretty fresh.
The gameplay is pretty fun and seeing Adewale as an Assassin is pretty cool.
The story of this DLC is not something to write home about imo, but interesting nonetheless.

This game doesn't have the best gameplay around, future entries into this series have definitely improved a lot gameplay wise, I still consider this to be one of my favorite of the series because of all of the characters, the writing, and the epic soundtrack.
I wasn't able to experience the DLCs to this game like Warden's Keep, Return to Ostagar, or the Witch Hunt, and I still haven't completed the Awakening expansion, but since I've gotten ahold of the Ultimate Edition of this game for the PC, I'm definitely going to revisit it sometime in the future.
Also, the intro to this game always gives me goosebumps that none of the other titles have managed to replicate with future entries.
The origins system is also a really good addition, being able to choose between which origin you start out with really shakes up the story with characters reacting to you differently depending on your race, your origin, and your gender, the biggest example is the City Elf origin where things change depending on which gender you choose, I'd say my most favorite would be the Human Noble origin, don't know why, but I just feel like that one is the best of all of them, personally.
The gameplay can be tedious at times and the turn-based gameplay can be pretty mind-numbingly dull, but if you look past it, take in the atmosphere, the soundtrack, and if you are incredibly invested in the story and characters, you can easily look past these flaws and find yourself enjoying the game.

One of the first Sonic games I have ever played and still one of my favorite ones to this day.
Mainly because my favorite Sonic character is introduced in this game and continues to be my favorite to this day.
For a while, I always thought it was weird that Eggman wanted to blow up the planet that he intended to rule, but the more I think about it, I think Eggman's basically just being like, "If I can't have your planet, no one can!" which to me, suits his character, also you can play as him in this game, how many Sonic games let you play as Eggman?!
Every character is also written very well in this game, even if the mistranslated dialogue doesn't really capture it all that well, also, we get a very heartfelt moment where Eggman opens up about his childhood and how he looked up to his grandfather and wanted to be just like him, how often does Eggman open up like this?!
If you can't tell, I absolutely love how Eggman is written in this game, to me, this is Eggman at his best.
While the final boss isn't as great as Sonic Adventure's final boss, everything else about the game still slaps.
Also, fun fact: This game was supposed to be Shadow's last game, he actually died at the end, until fans begged Sega to bring him back because they loved him so much, then they brought him back in Heroes.
And also, Chao Garden....That is all.

They ported this PSP game to the PS3 and 360 and then remastered it for the PS4 and Xbox One....Why?

While this was my first Assassin's Creed game and it did introduce me to the series, that doesn't really excuse all of it's problems.
Number One: The Modern Day is very boring, they treat Desmond very poorly, not to mention they rushed the ending where they kill Desmond off and build Juno up to be the new antagonist of the Modern Day, only to be killed off in a comic, this I heard from Founded Scarab.
Not to mention, they retconned the whole Lucy thing, in Revelations, Desmond clearly states that he had no control over killing her and that it was Juno that made him do it, but in this game, he says that he chose to do it.
Number Two: Okay, let's address the elephant in the room, and that's Connor, I used to really like his character back when I first played this game, but upon a recent replay, I REALLY don't like his character anymore, his goals are very noble and what he fights for is very noble, but the ways he goes about doing all of that are very questionable.
He's also a very naive character from start to finish, like even when Haytham, who upon replay has become my favorite character in this game, tries to convince him that the way he thinks is wrong, he doesn't listen, acting as a brick wall to all of Haytham's advice.
Number Three: I feel as if Connor is way too involved in historical events, like some are fine like the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Boston Massacre, but then there are the ones like Paul Revere's Ride, like why the fuck did Connor need to be there?
And I would be fine with the Boston Tea Party if Connor made some sort of effort to get at William Johnson and the other Templars, but nope, he thinks that he can just dump the tea and all is well, you moron! You're supposed to KILL the Templars, not TROLL the Templars!
On the upside, the soundtrack is really good and there are some good moments here and there, but overall, this has become one of the most disappointing Assassin's Creed games that I've played.

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While not being as memorable or fun as 2 or Brotherhood, Revelations does serve as the perfect end to Ezio's character arc and the perfect setup for what's going to come next for Desmond's character (this statement would not age well) not to mention, the ending scene where Ezio speaks to Desmond is enough to make a grown man cry.