The story of this game is nothing to write home about, but the gameplay is very epic and satisfying, you definitely feel like a badass when you play this game, not to mention, it is really cool to be able to create your own companion and share adventures together.
That being said, I cannot find myself playing this game way too much because it does get pretty dull after a while, at least for me.

This is one of the first huge RPGs that I was ever introduced to and it's one that I'm still in love with to this day, I mean, you can do whatever you want in this game and mods definitely make the game far more interesting.
Is the game broken? Yes, but I've never found it to be game-breaking.
Is the game balanced? No, but I love being overpowered in video games, especially RPGs.
Does the game make any sense? No, but if it did, the game wouldn't be nearly as interesting imo.
Definitely a game that you should at least play once and find yourself playing it a million times more afterwards lol

The very first Souls game I've ever beaten and it just so happens to be my favorite, I love the boss design, the combat is a bit faster paced than past titles, and the music is just perfect.
And the DLCs make it even better.

This game was an emotional rollercoaster and the perfect finale to this saga, seeing the development of Kratos and Atreus' relationship was truly beautiful.
Definitely my Game of the Year.

I really love this game and you can thank Jacksepticeye for getting me into it, all of the Colossi are so unique, the soundtrack is beautiful, and the way that they rebuilt this game from the ground up and made it stunning visually is also great.

When I first played this game, I thought that it was very dull compared to it's future installments, but when I returned to it years later on the PC, my mind changed a lot, while the gameplay is pretty repetitive and some of the side missions just overstay their welcome, it's still quite an interesting beginning to a legendary series, not to mention Altair's character arc is still very engaging to this day.

I definitely consider Elden Ring to be the best open world game released in the past few years, the open world is vast and filled with challenging enemies and exploration is rewarded by either getting a new weapon, a new spell, you name it.
That being said, I still have my own problems with it, there are a LOT of recycled bosses in this game, there's a huge difficulty spike towards the endgame that makes you feel like all of the experience and levels that you gained before then feel almost pointless, some bosses are incredibly unfair to fight and desperately need to be nerfed, (Godskin Duo, Elden Beast) regardless, I still enjoy the hell out of this game and it's still one of my favorite games of this year, I just hope that Fromsoft fixes some of these issues that plague, not just me, but a lot of players.

FNAF 1 is a fantastic game with a fantastic atmosphere, also this was back when Freddy was more of a threat.

The main character is not a prince, the Sands of Time are not present in any way, plus death is nonexistant in this game from what little I've played, so really not worth revisiting in the slightest.

I liked this game in the beginning, it seemed to be very promising, but later, it became clear to me that this game wasn't ending anytime soon.
Don't get me wrong, big games are great, but this one just seemed like it was dragging on for way too long, and every time I found myself being interested in the main story of the game, which is by far it's strongest part, it would force me to do a few more arcs before I could advance the story, which was complete and utter bullshit.
I felt nothing, but relief when I finally finished the main story, because that meant I could put this game away once and for all and mark it as complete.
Though I didn't get the Templar Ending or the Puzzle Ending, or the Conquering England Ending, I felt as if getting the main ending was good enough.
And if Ubisoft doesn't start making Assassin's Creed games like they used to, which is very unlikely, this will more than likely be my last AC game.

This is a game that I put down for so long and I cannot for the life of me begin to explain why, I finally came back to it years later and beat it.
This game is amazing and a game that definitely deserves a remake, Demon's Souls got one, now it's this one's turn.

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If I didn't have to play the same stages over and over again, if I didn't have to listen to the characters talk again and again and again, and if I didn't have to go through the special stages just to get the final ending to the game, this game would be way better in my book.
That being said, the voice acting and story writing is really good in the game, all the voice actors shine in their respective roles, not to mention that final boss fight with Metal Sonic will never get old.

Amazing game, I can see why a lot of people say this is their favorite, and it may be based, but I think it's mine, too.
Leon is a great protagonist, witty and funny, Ashley is a really great side character and companion, who also has some wit about her.
Capcom have been knocking out of the ballpark with these remakes, apart from RE3's of course.
And I can definitely see this getting a GOTY nomination, if Final Fantasy 7 Remake can get one, this one can, too.

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This game broke me, like I don't even have a problem with the bad voice acting because I love bad voice acting in games mainly because it's fucking hilarious.
I don't like how horribly the story is written, like somehow Jason gets killed, despite the fact that Ethan Mars clearly took the full force of the car that hit him, I hate how the characters who lost their children didn't even try to get help from the police and they hate the police for not helping them find their children, despite the fact that they didn't even give them the crucial information needed for them to do so and attack anyone who tries to help them, and Lauren is the character that I hate the fucking most, like she is the worst.
Not to mention all of the times in the game where it spells out that Ethan Mars is the origami killer (them mispronouncing origami is pretty hilarious btw) even having him talk about dreams that he's been having and talking about how he feels like he has a split personality, only to reveal that Scott Shelby is the origami killer, which makes no goddamn sense, since he's been trying to chase after the origami killer for the entire game and make it easier for other people to find him, not to mention when he's revealed to be the origami killer, he just starts acting out of character a lot, which also doesn't make any sense.
This was David Cage's attempt at trying to make a murder mystery without the mystery part.

Definitely one of my top favorite Mario games, especially the last level of the game and that soundtrack...Perfection.