This is a game that I put down for so long and I cannot for the life of me begin to explain why, I finally came back to it years later and beat it.
This game is amazing and a game that definitely deserves a remake, Demon's Souls got one, now it's this one's turn.

A game that I put down when it came out for no particular reason at all and now, I have returned and completed it and have 100% regretted the decision to put it down, this game is amazing!
I love the relationship between Kratos and Atreaus, I love the music, I love the gameplay, pretty much everything about this game I love.
And if the rest of the games are this good, I'll definitely consider checking out the other games in the series, and I will definitely be getting God of War Ragnarok when it comes out.

This is the first Souls game I've ever played and it was a pretty poor introduction to the series as a whole.
The art style of this game is so dull and they throw way too many enemies into areas that follow you all across the map, the aggro is so stupid.
There also aren't a lot of memorable bosses in this game either, I remember having to run through a bunch of enemies to get back to one boss, either dying before I enter the fog or dying to the boss and having to run through those enemies again!
This game introduced a lot of neat ideas like power stancing and bonfire ascetics, but other than that, the game is a total bust and it's no wonder that practically nothing from this game ever comes back.

The very first Souls game I've ever beaten and it just so happens to be my favorite, I love the boss design, the combat is a bit faster paced than past titles, and the music is just perfect.
And the DLCs make it even better.

The main character is not a prince, the Sands of Time are not present in any way, plus death is nonexistant in this game from what little I've played, so really not worth revisiting in the slightest.

I think this and 6 both gave me inspiration for my Bowser voice, aside from Super Mario Sunshine, of course.
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to talk about the game.
Um, it's fun.

What're Moondrop and Sunrise doing here?
Oh right, the game, it's a lot of fun.

Until Dawn is one of my favorite horror games, I just love how all of your choices can lead to a character's death, and some of them can die in many different ways, aside from three characters, who can only die one way and can only die in the final chapter.
The Wendigos have a really cool and scary design, and to me, this is the definitive look for a Wendigo.
This is definitely one of my favorite things that Hayden Panitierre and Rami Malik has been in, to be sure.
This game is also pretty hilarious, there's some dialogue that is just hilariously bad that it makes me love the game even more.
Glad to see that this company is also moving on to make online multiplayer horror experiences now, because one of the things that I think could've made Until Dawn better is making it multiplayer, probably make some of the QTE sections a bit more intense since one slipup from either you or your friend could screw you over.

It's fun for a bit, then it just starts getting repetitive, also, that Apex Orca fight is a bitch

While I don't like it nearly as much as Majora's Mask, it's still pretty good, I do like being able to swap between Young Link and Adult Link whenever you acquire the Master Sword in the game, that's pretty neat.

Okay, I'm gonna say it.
Midna > Navi
I love Midna's sassy attitude and seeing her go through some character development along the way, where she becomes more humble and ultimately decides to destroy the Mirror of Twilight completely so that none may ever use it's powers for evil again, I was really sad when she left because I loved her character that much.
Also, aside from Wind Waker, this is one of the first Zelda games where you get to fight Ganondorf in an actual sword fight, instead of just deflecting balls of light back at him or just fighting him in his monster form, which you can also do in this game, along with fighting with him on horseback.
I can live without the Tears of Light sections, though, those kinda drag on, aside from the last one where you fight a giant bug, that was pretty cool.
Also, I like when you get to the part of the game where you can swap between Wolf Link and Human Link, it's pretty fun.
I find it hard to pick this or Wind Waker as my favorite, I might just say that they both are, now if only Nintendo would port them to the Switch like they did Skyward Sword, that'd make it even better.

I have a lot of fun with this Mario Kart game with my friends, not to mention, it is really cool that you can play as Link and a few other characters, along with being able to play as your own custom Mii, this game is especially fun with friends, which is the case with most Mario games, but most especially with this one.

One of only two Mario Kart games that I've played, and I can honestly say that I do still quite enjoy this one, having two characters in your car at the same time and swapping between them as you drive while also throwing two items as both is extremely fun.