Good things about the game were in the original and introduced a bunch of terrible stuff. Main issue is that Leon sucks to control. They made him have weird inertia you normally find in dedicated horror games but it sucks in an action game. Liked the changes to Ashley lol.

Goated but held back by being metal gear.

Best action game ever made. Kamiyas second crack at the genre he created is real id doom shit. Rip kamiya.

It's alright but not even top 3 'shock' game. Not original either.

Worst loading times of any tony hawk game. How could they do this? It's so bad.

Game is actually bad without custom songs.

Really didn't get this one.

The platforming is just so good; it is mario sunshine levels of expression but with better level design and overall pacing. The atmosphere is beautifully realized and I think the absence of any menuing is perfect for this game. Lots of people have complained about a lack of a map, but adding a map can have lots of downsides. First, and most important for me, it encourages players to interrupt play constantly. Further, it also allows players to pay less attention to their surroundings. Finally, it can make players take fewer risks on challenging platforming challenges. It's hard to say you can sequence break this game since it's so open, but there were definitely platforming sections I did on my first playthrough that would have been trivial if I had the right powerup. Without it, it was challenging and rewarding. If a map signals where to proceed, a player might never get 'lost' and have to overcome a unique platforming challenge to proceed.


Would be higher except for wiimote drm.

Humor is extremely cringe and game plays like shit. Nothing is redeeming here, it's so bad.