One of most well writed games ever, everything has a symbolism and meaning, the game isn't scary because of the monsters, of course they are scary, but because you never knows what is waiting you behind a door, a fog, or what the characters can do to you, to me, is a movie in form of game, and you can see the passion of everyone who worked in this game, def the best game of 00's.

Ok, I have to say, this game have its sins, and the most, is to come after the 2nd, even so, I'm not hating, It's a pretty good game, with its symbolism, and i love it, but i think the game would be SO MUCH great, if the 1 hour and half was cut, cus god, it's painful, First the mall, you just run to a biggest map without knowing nothing, then, the subway, the goddamn subway, i hate it so much, and then the sewers and building-offices, like, it's confusing and not so enjoyable as the first and second game, it's just a big "go on". The game gonna change the mood in the apartments, and that, i can call Silent Hill. To end with this big review, the reason this game is not a 5 stars is: Horrible level design (like a big room for enemy without a key item), horrible enemies positioning, bad way to tell a story, at least not subtle like the 1 and 2, and the boss fights, which is just funny, and is more likely you die because of insane cancer (fat one) than the bosses. With all that said, this game deserves love, but still, there its flaws that are just painful, and wish on some remake to they improve this.

Wondeful game, really loved, the story, the music, and the chills that was play this game, some parts very melancholic, but great, i hope Yes, Your Grace 2 be amazing as this one. AND THE BEAR IS FUCKING COOL.

Wonderful art, soundtrack, characters, is so peaced and chill, I loved so much, incredible story with heart warming characters.

Well, I'm not gonna lie, this game is cheesy, a lot, the voice acting, oh god, but even so, i forgive, since it's the first game of the series, and this cheesy tank game will change the survival horror forever, so, good work Konami.

I love this game but also hate at the same time, also all my love to yuri, wish she was real tho.

Very cool and beautiful, music is on point in this game.

I did EVERYTHING in my save, seriously. Game is fire as hell

BRO, what is this game fr, feels like a fever dream, evangelion but no ones has mental ill and traumas, even tho, good asf, did Asuka route again, and bro, like, not complaining but, this also feel like a hentai game, idk how Anno look up at this and said "sounds good, drop" but yeah, a good VN, congratulations GAINAX.

Man, first time i heard this game was so cool to me, and playing now, no regrets, feels like a great movie about evangelion, i love it, i could understand that more than the entire series, but yeah, game is beautiful, the music, and the atmosphere, like the first half of eva and the goofy episodes that i love, i got the asuka route, so try and get other route, believe me, game is good.

I love this game so much, unfortunately i didnt played till end, but i will finish some day.

wonderful, magical and fantastic

Well, my first game of the saga, pretty good, impressive graphics and effects for 2009, sometimes you'll get angry, but go for it, this game is a hidden gem.

loved this one, pretty cool music and has katanas, what i have to blame?