The biggest hassle is having to go to the config files to change the awful FOV. Other than that, and some hit and miss stealth mechanics and enemy detection, it's a really good game. The Metro games have such fantastic atmosphere, it's really on another level. Must play for fans of the genre.

The web swinging is still unparalleled

In love with the aesthetics of this, like if Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland wasn't dogshit. The game itself is a pretty fun and competent character action thing. I do like it a lot.

It's good, but anyone saying it's a replacement for the original, or better (other than graphically) is lying. I like some of the things it adds, but it completely messes up the pacing in many ways. Feels like playing a padded version of the original. Incredibly impressive and a fantastic fan project, but I don't like the narrative that it's a substitute for the original, or should be played before it. The only thing I can think of is if someone can't stand playing a game with old graphics so they gotta play this instead, but those people are scum of the earth and I have no respect for them.

A great companion for Half-Life, an impressive project, and a very cool reimagining. Definitely worth playing.

This game stinks to high heavens, I gave it an hour to do anything, and it's literally just wasting your time. There's nothing interesting or scary, it's not creating an atmosphere, it's just wasting your time. You have to walk to work for a long time, you have stock shelves for a long time, you have to walk back home, you have to do all of this twice, and what does it lead to? Nothing. Nothing happens. It could just start with the delivery job that they make you do for the next eternity. I can't tell you what happens beyond that. If I absolutely have to say something positive, it's that it looks kinda nice. The headbob can be kinda obnoxious, but I was fine with it. All the assets look neat and cohesive. With all this, it doesn't achieve any atmosphere or anything. The soundscape is lacking, it's playing the same spooky ambient over nothing happening from the very beginning, so at no point do I feel that there's actually anything threatening going on. It managed to jump me a couple of times with cheap fakeout jumpscares.

This feels like a PS1 style indie horror version of those Asylum films, that try to cash in on a more popular product by tricking people into buying it. In this case Stay Out Of The House, which is a fantastic PS1 style indie horror.

I was expecting a game about a scary murdering farmer, but I got an avant garde experiment in testing the limits of my patience. I lost.


Rough around the edges, but undeniably compelling. I also get do dress up with all kinds of pretty dresses.

Not only the best Puppet Combo game, but also one of the best survival horror games ever made.

I genuinely love it, but it's also borderline impossible to recommend to new players. Beneath layers of bullshit, there is a really damn great game under there. You also get to pay- I mean play, as many different horror icons. You also get to pay up the ass with this game. They got me, they've made me a fool, I've spent too much money on this shit, you should make better decisions. But really, the monetization is quite sickening. It would be a bit much even for a free game, but you have to pay to play this. If I pivot to Texas Chain Saw Massacre, surely they won't have horrible monetization, right?

TL;DR - It's bullshit hell, but when it hits, nothing hits quite like it.

It is great, but it goes on for a bit too long.

Can be a hassle to get work nowadays, but boy is it worth it. Perkele.

The story ain't nothing to write home about, and the characters are... well they're there, you can't deny that they are in the game. The plot is enough to keep you going from one scenario to the next, but that's about it. The meat and potatoes is the parkour and combat system. I can have endless fun just going around Harran, much like I could have endless fun just swinging around as Spider-man in SM2 for the PS2. The grappling hook is fun, although it makes the game quite easy and the Volatiles that make the night usually terrifying become a bit trivial, especially when you have unlocked safe areas 15 seconds from one another.

Best in the series. A really cool game.

Might be my personal favorite of the series, although it's a tough call. I love Heather as a protagonist, and the story and world are as engaging as ever. It's amazing that the game is from 2003, it looks absolutely stunning.

It gets bumped up a few points when you play it with a friend, but that is also true for every game ever made. Can be a bit of a hassle to play these days, and I don't know why they got rid of the red dot sight from RE4. A lot of Wesker highlights though, so I like that.