Loses me a little in some of those sewer segments, but even those are better than most horror games. The rest is fantastic, and everything in the RPD building is perfect. Mr. X is scary, the zombies are scary, the gameplay loop is very satisfying, I love it, I love the characters, I'm in love with Leon, great stuff. That second Birkin fight can go to hell.

The absolute peak in psychological horror, and arguably the best game in the series. A total masterpiece, even the soundtrack alone is able to make me emotional, but contextualized with the game it's something else. Video games don't tend to have super engaging or well written stories, but this one got me totally emotionally invested and absolutely wrecked me.

I'm a shell of a man now, 5/5


One of the most fun first person shooters, very satisfying combat. The flow can be a bit stop and go, it doesn't always find a great rhythm, but I was also never really bored by it. The exploration parts aren't that interesting, but that's not really that big of a part of the game. Blasting demons with your super shotgun is what it's all about, and that part it does great. Rip and tear and all that. What a cool soundtrack too.

It was quite compelling back when it came out, but looking back at it now... it's fine. It's just fine. Not much depth to it, but the world can be sort of fun to explore. The story is nothing, nobody cares about it, the characters are skin deep, but you can shoot an arrow at a big spider. It is what it is.

Literally perfect. I want to kiss Leon on the lips.

A perfect follow up to the best game ever made. I acknowledge it's dated in a couple of ways and has some flaws, but at the same time, I will not be objective about this. It has no flaws and is not dated at all.

I love it. I LOVE IT!!! I wasn't playing it when it was revolutionizing FPS games and storytelling in games or whatever, but even still, the game holds up great. Turn those HD models off and get gaming, brothers. This is about as good as it gets!

Granted it's been a second since I played this one, but aside the poor boss fights, and the Riddler trophies nobody cares about, I think it's probably the best Arkham game. City improved on the boss fights, and gliding in the open world is fun, but this shit is tight. I'll take a smaller interconnected world like this over an open world any day.

This kind of co-op shooter has been attempted many times since, but it has never been as good. My friends call me Coach.

Manages to tell a compelling story with characters you end up caring about, even if everyone is acting stilted and weird. Impeccable atmosphere, amazing music, those pre-rendered cutscenes are amazing.

One of the most beautiful games ever made, a definite high point for the Playstation 2. I don't think a soundtrack can get more epic than this.

Gorgeous game, a masterful remake of an absolute classic. That dastardly Wesker is up to no good. I'm in love with Jill Valentine also (after Leon)

In hindsight it's kinda sad how this seemed to be the end of Ubisoft doing anything interesting or new and just stuck to a formula that seemed to work. And it does work fine here, but it's hard to appreciate it as much with how it's been watered down. Vaas is played fantastically by Michael Mando, one of the more memorable and compelling video game antagonists. It's got some memorable moments, and the gunplay is satisfying. The open world is fine, it's not as interactive or impressive as it's predecessor, but it's still a beautiful world to explore. As a whole the game is okay. It's pretty good even.

It gets bumped up a few points when you play it with a friend, but that is also true for every game ever made. Can be a bit of a hassle to play these days, and I don't know why they got rid of the red dot sight from RE4. A lot of Wesker highlights though, so I like that.

Might be my personal favorite of the series, although it's a tough call. I love Heather as a protagonist, and the story and world are as engaging as ever. It's amazing that the game is from 2003, it looks absolutely stunning.