Going through the Momodora series, you can see how much rdein and bombservice improved as developers, but Moonlit Farewell is still as basic as a metroidvania/action platformer can be, and without any of the charm or memorable moments that made RutM such a special game.

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So this is basically Mother 3

Aight I'm hooked

Also Susie is awesome


I'm trying really hard not to give up on this game. I never thought it would be so boring and annoying.

Just needed to vent my frustration, this is a game I really didn't expect to be disappointed with.

Where the FUCK am I supposed to go

For a while I thought this was really the plot of the movie

This is the first fan game I ever finished, and I'm here kinda wishing it wasn't one.

Except for the 'Undertale' slapped at the title and of course happening in the same world, this felt for the most part pretty much its own thing, and could have very well stood on its own, kinda like Oddity is doing.

It's like how Mother 3 is loosely a sequel to Earthbound, only Yellow was way more bound to the trappings of being a prequel and attempting to conform to an already established canon. I don't intend this as a harsh criticism of the game, but I feel like it could've been so much more if it wasn't a fan game.

Granted, I only played the pacifist route, but I felt there were a few loose ends and stuff that could've been done better that just didn't sit well with me at the end and left me wanting. I was enthralled by it about halfway through, where the writing and jokes truly shines the most -- there were just SO many moments I laughed heartly, which isn't common for me in games. But it kinda lost me near the end, and I just don't feel like replaying all of it to see more of the game in different routes.

Almost a year in the oven and it still feels as sluggish and unresponsive as its initial launch holy shit

Vehicular combat is awesome. I also love the new structures, they're so freaking massive.

To this day I really appreciate not only the complexity and care that went into the story and all of its symbolism but the way it so beautifully screws with any expectation you might have of the game as a JRPG, without any pretense of deconstruction or calculated subversions. Just pure, genuine narrative prowess. Reminds me a lot of Mother 3 in that regard.

Fuck Yuna.

I had a very different experience with this game that was probably the reason I liked it so much. Somehow I completely missed the fact that it had a map. So for its entirety I went in virtually blind, relying only on memory to remember where I had already passed through, backtracking countless times through the same places.

It was only near the very end that I had no idea where else I could go that I finally resorted to the internet and found out that the game, indeed, had a map. It was a moment split between realising how dumb I was and how much better the game had played for me this way. It's a feeling that can't be reproduced in subsequent playthroughs, but it still lingers in my mind to this day.

Also makes me wonder how well metroidvanias could play without a map. REDO! seems to be the only one that ever did it, and it was unfortunately criticised for that, even though it added a lot of the experience of feeling lost and finding your way through the world.

Oh my god.

I already knew from Project Kat that they could write fun, quirk characters that could carry the game just with their banter, but I didn't expect this. This has really huge potential to stand tall among other similar games. The amount of care and detail that went into this free episode is amazing. I still have stuff to complete even though I already beat the game.

I just hope it doesn't take years for this to be complete.

Still can't believe they vaulted the only good things about this season midway.

Messing around with the wind avatar power was kinda fun though.

The combat is kinda fun but holy shit this game somehow feels as devoid of personality as Tower of Fantasy.

A great story troubled by not very complemental gameplay and some plot incongruences, although none of that diminished my enjoyment of it. I was fully invested into the characters and story and sad that it had to end so soon, even though the gameplay parts went on for way too long -- I switched to easy midway because I had no incentive to getting good at the game, and even then I almost gave up because of a bullshit boss near the end.

Still, absolutely no regrets playing this.

The amount of stuff this game throws at you in just half an hour is honestly crazy and almost overwhelming.

Dunkey's got a good eye for games I guess. This game looks gorgeous. I wish I could play it on a CRT.

I wonder if the bubble double jump is intended or something to be used for sequence break, though.