32 Reviews liked by saucespice

Its pretty fun but it never really does anything all that crazy

Thank god they learned their lesson to never use 5 party members again 🙏

this game is genuinely goated idc, the flaws unironically add to its charm ❤🙏

this game drags out at times imo but overall it aged pretty well. PC port needed asap

finish the fucking game already bruh

Silent peak 2
Peak hill 2
Silent hill peak

couldn't even get to the combat without getting bored

(Played this to prepare for reload) Amazing game, amazing story. While it has its flaws such as the pacing in the first 10ish hours, after it picks up it really gets going. Social links are also very meh with exceptions like the Sun and Devil, I didnt care to do like half of them except to get the persona abilities. Took off half a star because nozomi is in this game.

Yes, it IS that good. Im not gonna say anyhting specific about the game cause it has to be experienced blind for the best outcome. It's an archeology game is the best way to describe it but its not as boring as it sounds. Just go play it, its 10000% worth it

gameplay alone makes this the best game in the series. storywise its not but there is so much good that it outshines the flaws within the story

In terms of gameplay, this game is super fun. Way WAY improved compared to 7. Can't describe how fun it is. They made the job system so much better with skills you can choose to inherit. Fun side modes as well, Dondoko is pretty good for what it is.

Music is great as usual, with some really standout final tracks, imo this might have the best final boss theme out of any mainline Like a Dragon game

Story? The core plot isn't that great, but in terms of character writing and themes it's really good. The villains weren't executed that well, but the ending was amazing. The themes of not only the game, but the whole series are encapsulated perfectly. Kiryu has a great sendoff. Also Ichiban is too good of a guy man, you can't hate on him at all

Farewell, Dragon of Dojima

This shit is actually peak. The combat is probably the best or atleast my favorite that theyve ever done. The villain is peak, the side content is amazing, and the final boss theme is just goated. They should call this Lost Peakment

Its not that bad, the hate the game gets is understandable but not to certain degrees. Most of my issues were solved by equipping rings and leveling ADP, after that the game is just meh. Nothing really stands out as amazing and the environments felt ok for the most part. The ganks arent even that bad its only a handful of areas, the game is mostly on the easy side I wuold say competing with ds1 in terms of diffculty. Overall, this game is best summed up as "meh"