the whole vibe of this game is so cool and it is honestly quite fun, but the motion controlled swordplay can be a literal pain to use and the level design isn't that good

incredibly charming re-imagining of celeste in 3d, it works about as well as you'd expect from this team and it's super impressive such a fun little game was made so quickly (I'm still ass at it though)

the gameplay was kinda lame and the plot took a while to get going, but the story was alright and I love the idea of ending E

much cooler than the base game, year of luigi will never be forgotten

really fun gameplay that makes full use of the touchscreen and a cool painting theme but the difficulty can be a bit annoying near the end

excellent collection of short but sweet adventures (fuck great cave offensive tho)

not bad but I'm glad they stopped making these lmao

some of the coolest 2d action gameplay I've ever fucking seen and a stupidly fun speed game

super fun adventure with absolutely terrifying levels of suction (dedede tour is cool too)

my brain is on fire and so is my switch

tries some neat new things but a good chunk of the "difficult" parts are more annoying than anything