This game was my introduction to First Person Shooters and IiiiiiiEEEiiiiiiii Will Always Love iiiieeiiiieeeeiiiieeeiiiiit!

If you love writing, you might be able to mock this game into a form of deeply irritating entertainment. The combat is a herky jerky hell.

Game: What's the most important part of comedy?
Player: I dun-
Player: hehehe ok
Game: What's the most imp-
Player: timing
Game: You! Soulless bastard!
Player: woah, ok buddy
Game: Well if you're so clever, knock knock
Player: Who's there?
Game: THE 4th WALL!
Player: heh yeah ok cool
Game: NO!! YOU SAY "THE 4th WALL WHO?"!!!1!
Player: ... the4thwallwho
Player: ffs man
menu > quit > delete

The only DoubleFine game I have 0 patience for.

Glitchy playing local wifi coop

This review contains spoilers

So so many CONTENT WARNINGS should come with this game. Roughly chronologically: suicide, sexual assault, family violence, kidnapping, pedophilia/ assault of a minor, oh yeah serial murder of underaged girls, a disabled character begging to be killed... #SoEdgy

There are no deep thoughts here. Just pretty lens flares to gloss over a brutal catalog of ever more torturous ways to serially dehumanize teen girls. Playing the game makes you complicit in their repeated deaths.

It is a profoundly disturbing story if you can remember that girls and women are human beings. They remain human beings even when distracting, cool, weird supernatural mechanics are the excuse for your A or B false choices just to tick through all the horrible ways you can watch them suffer.

It has more in common with the darkest arc of the show Bandersnatch than it should, just a different protagonist and nostalgia from a ten years later. Though the monsters in this game are arguably real if you know any of the awful abuses within fashion photography or cases of revenge porn.

Beautiful art direction. Disappointing plot writing.

Watch out if you get motion sickness in games. Some frustrating physics muddle the puzzle quality and optical illusions.