12 reviews liked by secrettr4veller

What an inventive little platformer let me tell you. Yoshi's Island (or, if you wanna be complex: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island) is a game that even having the implication of being a sort of continuation to the critically acclaimed Super Mario World, these two share nothing in common when it comes to gameplay, looks, level design philosophies and a billion other aspects. In fact, I feel like this is kinda what Super Mario World should've been to differ from other classic Mario platformers and to break the norm. The art style is just that good.

It not only plays very smoothly, it just looks and sounds so awesome. This game is full of charm from the start to the end, and it is really a shame this type of platformer were only limited to a course of really okay-ish games that followed, the gameplay feels refreshing and there's a bunch of new cool enemy designs and some cool level mechanics. Music is great too, although a bit overplayed and not really fitting of some levels in my opinion.

The only real issue I've had with this one is that some levels in the latter half, and levels in general tend to overstay their welcome and become too long and can be numbing to repeat some sections if you die from spikes that insta-kill you, fall to the void or make the Shy Guys take the baby away. Truly a shame, because this is the one game where I feel like short and sweet levels would've been just great, not only for first-time players but specially for people looking to complete the game in its entirety, something I really never dug deeper because I admit that the collectibles in this game are kinda sucky and getting them is sometimes a bit of a hassle, but that's pretty much it.

Yoshi's Island is probably among the best SNES platformers and for a good reason, really had a blast playing this as my first time. :)

I love taking drugs in my Yoshi game. Would trip again.

I love Remedy, I was ready to love this one too. But I was not ready for the combat to be this terrible, and the writing and atmosphere not being good enough to save it. I am also getting kind of tired of that Remedy post modern meta narrative thing they always do, with the writer of the story being a stand in for the writer of the game. " Huge author wants to follow up his massive crime series with a horror novel, but it takes over his life", how about you just write a good book Sam - I mean Alan.

Great game all around with stunning visuals and pretty engaging combat. In combination with a somewhat interesting but very mysterious story. Worth a playthrough on anything but it is one of the best implementations of raytracing I have seen. Worth a buy at its usual $10 sale price.
The style is not like much I have ever seen and it pulls off a great mysterious atmosphere that kept me hooked and playing. Control manages to have a great art direction, high fidelity and a refreshing visual style that is further enhanced with great ray tracing and post processing. With a 3060 I would able to push the game to max and have just about 60 fps all around with dips in combats and increases in breaks of action.
It leaves a lot of questions unanswered while also giving great bread crumbs with lore collectibles which is just enough to be engaging but not teasing. The great Foundation DLC also does a great job of fleshing out but not fully some elements of the main game in a fantastic way.
Only thing I did not like is sometimes enemies would respawn just way too quick, I would leave the room and they would be back if i turned around and some side missions just really do not feel worth doing. There were some enemies that killed me incredibly quick at times that I could not see but nothing that made me want to put the game down in a rage. Also I was not a fan of the Alan Wake DLC because I personally do not like Alan Wake but fighting the invincible monster with light was a fun puzzle. Lastly it really feels like a game that was suited for New Game plus but does not have it. These are just small nitpicks over a fantastic package over all.

i wanna replay this but some of the coolest physics and weapon designs, great world-building and clearly lots of love put into it

Real shame this one died before it had a chance to get good. I found it charming and unique and is probably one of my favorites in the genre. Rip battleborn.

Jogabilidade intensa, divertida, dificuldade provocativa e desafiante, mudou a forma que se vê o gênero, com quase 0 bugs é um jogo formidável!!



Visualmente lindo, impecável no quesito técnico, divertido, com um belo world building, storytelling, direção de arte, etc. Só não dou nota máxima pela inconsistência na dificuldade, é meio desapontador pois muitas vezes é bem fácil.

Extremamente competente em tudo que se propõe, divertido, viciante e caótico no bom sentido. Apesar do péssimo tratamento com a versão de console e a programação simples que gera alguns bugs bobos, é uma experiência maravilhosa que eu recomendo muito.