Suuuperrrrr buggy. I downloaded the game for the first time and every puzzle when opened was already in the 'solved' stage or even half-solved so I had to restart the level every time. So weird!

'Where's Waldo' but with cats and much cuter. Completed the game in a single sit-down session. It took me a little over an hour to complete the normal, advanced, and unlocked maps. Love the art style and simple scroll-and-click functionality. I wish there was more to it. More levels, or more checklists to complete. It's a cozy game though with a relaxing music soundtrack, cute sound effects, and minimal brain power required.

Made me motion sick so decided to quit

Loved this! Came for the art style, stayed for the humor, raccoons, and fun.

I didn't like this one as much as the first. Deeper and creepier storyline which isn't a bad thing but I craved the simplicity of the first game. Way too much sudden flashing with no warnings. If you are at risk of seizures I would recommend not playing this tbh. Another quick gameplay that I finished over a couple days.

I liked the premise of the game. It was fun, good graphics/art style, and short. (I love a short game). The things I didn't like were some of the dialogue. It was sometimes...uncomfortable and I typically don't have a problem with innuendos whatsoever! I also finished the game but there was no way to go back and complete things that I thought I'd be able to go back to? Like locks all over the different worlds that a key was needed for. Couldn't figure out how to go back to get to 100%.

Really fun puzzle game. I especially enjoyed this because it wasn't so difficult I quit out of frustration. The clues that are given along the way are actually helpful. Some puzzles were more challenging than others but in a good way. Beautiful art and animation, sound effects, and soundtrack. I played over 2 days for a total of about 3 hours I think.

As a South Park fan, I was not disappointed.

yes yes yes the sequel of all sequels! Beautiful visuals and storyline. This one is more challenging (I thought) than the first and required me to take more time to get through but nonetheless, I am a lover of the Ori games.

I completed this in one sitting. It was so satisfying to me.

I enjoyed it until I couldn't figure out one of the puzzles. Ended up having to resort to playthrough videos which I followed to the T and still could not pass a frustrating section of the game.

Was quite shocked by how challenging the levels got so quickly. It became not fun anymore and I ended up quitting the game and deleting it. I absolutely loveeddddd the narrator's voice. I want her to talk to me all day. I love the concept, it's cutesy and a unique puzzle game. But if I literally can't figure it out then I WILL rage quit.

One of my favorite games. I've played through it twice with my partner. The creativity is out of this world.

Absolutely loved this. The soundtrack, creepy storyline, the animation, sound effects, EVERYTHING. Amazing.