The core platforming is actually pretty fun but this game is ruined by the absolutely atrocious boss fights.

It's not so much that they're difficult but that they're long and tedious with no checkpoints. It's no fun getting cheap-shotted and having to play the whole fight again while sitting through the unskippable animations between phases. It's excruciating, enough that I dropped the game about half-way through the campaign. Life's too short to get this pissed off about poor game design.

The gunplay is actually surprisingly decent but otherwise this is a mess. The roguelike structure is more annoying than fun and the generic mission objectives get repetitive suuuuper fast. Feels like a Payday clone with some roguelike elements slapped on it and not-terribly-enthusiastic celebrity appearances.

Tried this on Steam out of morbid curiosity as someone who grew up with the original. It's pretty terrible.

Clunky combat, generic gameplay, repetitive "missions," awful motorbike driving, cringe dialogue. Generic visual style that feels nothing like the original game. Avoid.

Refunded after about 30 minutes of play.

Bailed after five chapters. It's a totally OK visual novel but the lack of voice acting is a shame and the combat gets really tedious after a while. Couldn't bring myself to slog through another 2-3 hours of this.

This has neat atmosphere and I really dug the visuals, voice acting, and musical score, but gameplay-wise it's also a bit tedious and the way the story is presented isn't always super engaging. Would've benefitted from being an hour or two shorter and cutting a lot of the busy-work backtracking/driving around.

On the plus side this clearly has a much larger budget than the first game and at least tries to be a little more progressive and inclusive with more non-white characters and a female "co-host", but it's still packed with thermonuclear levels of cringe. The levels where you can spike a woman's drink and hit on one of your employees are especially rough.

Yet in many respects the "fun" of the game lies in trying out the most piggish options and seeing how you're rejected for it.

Making Richard less the center of attention in this one was a shame though, as the new protagonists are definitely a mixed bag.

Not gonna lie, this game was hilarious despite its obvious shortcomings.

First and foremost the whole PUA shtick is just super lame at best and calculated/misogynistic at worst. Even if you accept this game is made for awkward men to pick up women, advice like "angle a girl away from her friend so it makes her less likely to bail on you" comes off as very predatory.

That said some of the options are super funny, and the game is shockingly vulgar at times. It's fun trying out the cringe options and watching the PUA fail.

Also the acting is pretty decent throughout - bar a few dodgy performances most of it comes off as quite natural.

Technically it's kind of a mess, though - dialogue often cuts off early and I had like 4 crashes on a 3-hour playthrough.

This is a guilty pleasure for sure.

I've always preferred the Horizon games and this really solidifed why. It's so technical and boring, made worse here by forcing you to work through a bunch of tedious busy-work in the first hour of the game.

Multiplayer sucks too, namely the inability to just drop into matchmaking and quickly race. I ain't got time to hang out for 20 minutes before a race lmao.

Shame as it looks nice and the core racing is solid. A letdown, though.

Jesus Christ. I "played" the first four nights and just couldn't bring myself to hate-watch/play this thing anymore. Konami massacred our boy.

A few charming mini-games but honestly the whole "battle royale" element is really lacking because you're walled off from the other players for most of the mini-games. Also a lot of them just aren't fun.

Given that it's hard to fill a server even on release week, I think this is DOA in short order.

LOVED this. Super relaxing with fantastic climbing mechanics. A few janky moments but it's short, sweet, and has a killer musical score. More games like this please Microsoft.

The core card game gameplay is really, really fun, but holy shit this game is way too bloated.

This a 15-hour game stretched out to over 30 with the mobile game-esque hangout elements and the fact you're often forced to do randomly generated side missions between main missions.

Also not making attack animations skippable during combat is INFURIATING.

A good game that just doesn't respect your time at all.

A pretty unique and visually/aurally impressive puzzler, though some of the puzzles were ultimately more annoying than smart. If it had been much longer I probably would've bounced off.

Played a few levels and just couldn't really get into it. I liked the comically portentous dialogue but the gameplay seemed incredibly simple - perhaps too simple and repetitive for its own good.

I'd call this an ambitious failure. Props to the devs for making something so much more cinematic and big-scale than its predecessor, but ultimately they lacked the resources to get it done properly.

At 8+ hours long this is actually way too big, especially with the overabundance of tedious climbing/laser puzzles. The voice acting is really good but the characters' facial animations are HORRIBLE and really undercut the story, which has a much greater focus than in the first game.

Curious to see if this sold well enough for a third game or not.