It would be difficult to find a more genre-defining and culture altering game than this. Bizarrely prophetic, fun as hell, extremely well written (even when its not, it's extremely funny). Even if you don't like the gameplay, play this for the writing and the memes. A monolithic figure in the history of gaming.

A good core gameplay loop mired by a series of terrible writing decisions. The first 15% is pretty fun, pretty solid. Setting up a lot of good ideas and being a decent enough edition to the bioshock franchise. Then it starts to slowly decline until the piss-poor ending. Terrible fuax-intellectual "What if the poor people were evil too" story beats, some weird statements about race and capital S "Society". Then there are the DLCs, which I believe is what was the final blow that killed the Bioshock series. A completely unnecessary and unfortunate collage of half baked ideas. I could only recommend this if you're absolutely determined to experience the whole of the bioshock series. Otherwise you're better off looking at the concept art and making up a game in your head, it would be leagues more satisfying than the real thing.

Probably the most beautifully written, artistically pointed, and immersive RPG I've ever played. Feels like a once in a generation kind of game.

A good add-on to a great game. If you liked the mystery unraveling and sleuthing of the base game, then this has a whole lot of it. Unfortunately for me it started to feel very tedious, and I didn't feel it was very worthwhile to finish. It's very dense, and maintains a good atmosphere, but I personally got kind of bored of trying to do the same few sections properly within the specific timeframe while it was available and having to reset. I'll likely go back and finish it at some point in the future.

Never play this, or the second one. Just don't. It's bad, it's the video game equivalent of fanservice clickbait, and it doesn't even deserve further elaboration.

You can blow yourself up in new, exciting, and immersive ways. Must have for anyone with VR

The only things this game had going for it was the grasshopper name, Uncle Death, and the marketing. Everything else is pretty hollow. Just another entry in the heat of the soulslike knockoff craze. It was kind of fun if you had absolutely nothing else to play, but it generally felt pretty boring beyond the first couple hours.

Probably the most specailized Fromsoft game, and a considerable departure from their other souls-likes. Although it is a very fun experience, it does have an issue of repetition. There are plenty of gadgets and styles of play, but you are rarely {outside of the optional superbosses or gimmick sections that work as a roadblock until you get a specific upgrade} pushed enough to be forced to change up your combat style from the basics of deflecting and the first couple of shinobi tools. Worth playing, but generally lacking the depth of replayability that the Soulsborne games are known for.

Great bosses, beautiful environments, interesting lore; but once you master the basics of combat it mostly becomes a war of attrition and finding the right moments to punish.

A fun character creator, otherwise it's generally unremarkable in terms of story, characters, and gameplay feel. Probably the most fun if you're playing with friends and just goofing off with creations. Beyond that, it's generally kind of dry, kind of generic.
I guess you can play as 2b from Nier:Automata, Geralt from The Witcher, and Noctis from FFXV, if you're into that kind of thing.

This is a strong point and click, it has an appealing visual style, good worldbuilding, and it has some turns that I genuinely found engaging. I only wish it was ever going to be finished. It's not a spoiler to say that this is (supposed to be) the first game in a series, with it only being a partially funded kickstarter project. The game comes to an abrupt halt just as it starts to gain momentum.
It's not even necessarily a cliffhanger, it just stops. The developers announced a sequel but it has had no updates in several years, I would consider it a dead project. It's sad, this looked to have a lot of potential to be a solid story if it was ever finished. My other main issue is the very hit or miss voice acting, the main character using a dialect that would suit an English (i.e. British) person but not an American, whom the voice actor is; I just turned the voices off at some point.
I really wish it turned out better than it did, but it's overall a bit messy despite the high points.

A very well made exploration and puzzle game with a lot going on beneath the surface. Really makes you use your head, but creates a nice balance by blending its core concepts and not overwhelming the player.

Played the original game a long time ago, watched lots of videos about the original mod, now I played this. Still holds up, still a uniquely charming experience

A simple, but fun, little throwback trade game with touhou characters. Reminded me a lot of flash games back in the day. It does exactly what it was created to.

Terrible voice acting, talktotransformer-level writing, extremely bizarre characters, kind of fun gameplay, weird ass microphone gimmick. Nobody likes to actually talk about this game on a serious level, but it is kind of fun to just play and bask in how extremely corny yet generic it is.


Maybe if you played this at the time it came out you could have had some enjoyment out of the online aspects, but as it stands today it verges on unplayable. Playing it a bit last year was very bizarre, and felt generally not worth returning to for another session.