2033 is the only good metro game

A series of empty gmod maps with nothing of substance between

Total Overdose of bad Max Payne clones

this is the best thief and i'm tired to pretending it's not

I like the coat of paint, but it's still just a JRPG (derogatory)

it ruined the entire series, but in hindsight, it was no where near as bad as 5 or infinite, and could have been somewhat well regarded if it wasn't a mainline halo entry.

The modern XCOM series has absolutely nothing going for it besides the combat, and it's not fun enough to carry the rest of the games' emptiness

Imagine if, when Anakin started to strangle Padme, he stopped when Obi-wan arrived. Then Obi-wan just lightly chastises Anakin verbally for trying to murder his fucking wife, and Padme says "I-it's okay, you had to right? Let's just put it behind us."

There is a scene unironically worse than what I just described in this STORY-FOCUSED video game. Tanimura is a hack.

It's just some shitty arcade game

I installed this game, and shodan came on the screen and just screamed "UNREAL ENGINE!" "UNREAL ENGINE!" at me

btw this pos used a LOT of AI for development, including artwork

I'm not really a fan of this type of RTS, but the story and world was interesting enough to keep me invested. One issue I had was Arthas' corruption being far too abrupt. It seemed like he went from being a goody two-shoes paladin whom could do no wrong to purging an entire town all too quickly. And it did. He was purely a hero for 5 short, introductory missions and suddenly became such an extremist out of nowhere. Maybe he was always this extreme, but even still, proper motivation like a supporting character being killed, or something else personal, as a catalyst for his entire personality seemingly 180ing would have been nice. Hell, it would have been nice to just play as him as a pure hero for a bit longer, so the change and his actions were more impactful.
I just wanted to get that out there. I love heroes falling to villianly stories but this one seemed a bit forced. Still liked it though. I just wish it was better.
Has an absolutely superb soundtrack and possibly the greatest cinematics ever in game.

60% cutscenes (in which snake just gets his ass kicked)
25% menus
10% absolutely dogshit gameplay
5% good music


Would be 5/5 if it was just court scenes and the 5th court case didn't exist