One of my favorite games ever of all time. Working on reaching that 100% completion.

Awesome game. Looking forward to playing it again.

Love it. Too bad the remaster messed up the sound.

Love this game because I hate myself.

I miss a lot of the old stuff, but I still love this game and the modding community.

Fun with friends, fairly wacky. Rage inducing.

Love this game and the mods, hate how buggy it can be.

Played the shit out of this game years ago. Still do.

Fun game, mildly accurate, but gets boring after a while.

I have an unusual love for this game.

Very fun zombie game, I truly enjoy this game. MULTIPLAYER IS OUT AND IT WORKS. This game is a game that keeps on giving.

I used to speedrun this for fun, and its one of the few horror games that actually scared me. Plus, it's free.