ooooh man i wanted to see the fish man up close...

in all seriousness, i feel like some of the interactive novel bits could have been swapped in favor of something more akin to a walking simulator or just cut. some sections just felt dragged out, and replacing those with some type of interactivity would have helped to keep the player interested (or me personally, at least). this and the camera constraints for each scene made the environments feel underutilized.
i can't really comment on the audio, i had a weird issue with the narration sounding weirdly balanced and compressed when using headphones. i'm not completely sure what caused the funkiness, when playing with my laptop speakers instead it sounded fine. I did enjoy the narration, it's at the level of a good audio book. the music adds nice ambience, but is otherwise forgetful.

overall, it's a good introduction to lovecraft's works, but know it's more of a kinetic visual novel more than anything.

bro i am full of joy and whimsy after playing this!!!

copy/paste of my steam review lol:
this is probably the best card management sim i have played. the art is so cute, i always enjoyed getting a new card just to see the illustration. i also really enjoyed the soundtrack, which i found impressive simply because lofi typically drives me to madness. the moon cycle moves at just the right speed that it kept me on my toes between making sure all my villagers lived and whatever self-imposed goal that i gave myself, but it wasn't stressful in the way that i find cultist simulator is. my one regret is that i should have bought this off of itch.io instead of steam. they're about the same cost in USD, but itch takes less in royalties and you can chose to pay the devs more as well (which they deserve!)

copy/pasting my steam review lmao:
it's fun and the art is cute, but the novelty wears off pretty quickly. the gameplay loop becomes irritating after you've gotten used to the mechanics. i've spent at least half of my logged game time just trying to get all of the achievements, only to find out that the one i have left is bugged. i doubt this and other bugs will be fixed, since the game hasn't been updated since 2021 as of writing this.

f in the chat for me; this game will permanently be sitting in my library at 98% complete since i no longer have the willpower to try to get that last achievement :(

not gonna lie this was funny as hell to play while tipsy

I finished this game a couple days ago and I'm still obsessed with it

the backbone of my childhood

stole this from my baby brother when he wasn't looking just so i could have his dogs visit my dogs because i had chihuahua and friends. love that for me

i thought it was the funniest thing as a kid to teach my pixel chihuahua to sit and hear 'shit' in playback

fuck curlos me and my homies hate curlos!!!!!

i got spurs that jingle jangle jingle JINGLE JANGLE

i remember first playing this at release and being like 'woah bro this is so deep' and man was i truly 15 years old! playing it now as an adult i was just like '⚆_⚆ cool story bro. but don't care didn't ask plus i live in your walls'

todd should have let me side with the enclave. why was the main conflict over water too like booooring lemme drink the forbidden irradiated water todd !

i got dropped from an online class because i was obsessively playing for 2 weeks straight. 11/10 would do it again

stares at the house i renovated into a giant sauna it ain't much but it's honest work