A really chill relaxing game until the very last seconds where you have made complete spaghetti and can't save yourself. Thankfully there are endless and creative modes there to maintain the zen and you can continue from a failed normal game.

Pretty alright brawler with very nice pixel art, amusing story, and really great music. Played with a friend on hard difficulty but that made the enemies very damage spongey. Still, didn’t outstay its welcome and was over in a jiffy.

Man it is hard to review this game. I think the loving crafted tongue in cheek adaption of the Pinnichio story into some apocalyptic world with factions and a bunch of varied settings while incredibly ridiculous, is really charming. They put a lot of work into forcing as many references or conversions of the original work as they could and I just really appreciate that. The characters just slide into the description I can only summarize as “that’s neat”. Everyone looks so pretty too and not just in a horny way like other games. Just really nice to look at the world and chill with the characters and everyone is just sickeningly nice to each other. I think that’s alright from time to time.
Level design is also really great. Its a really linear game but I think that’s great because when they give you branching paths they don’t want you to feel lost for too long so they turn into dead ends very quick. Enemy placement is really good and never felt like an overly frustrating experience.
That said the combat is clunky in that old ps3 game sort of way where they think they had something clever but didn’t really tie it together completely, but what that opens up is the ability to come up with an incredible amount of cheese to tackle hard bosses if you can’t be bothered to learn the parry reaction timings. And i really missed playing a game i could break. So even though i think it just barely deserves it. I’ll drop 4 stars on this game for just letting me have fun with it.

Probably a really good, slow burn, atmospheric horror game. But it's a bit too slow burning for me. Like the vibes, not the waiting, perhaps I am playing it wrong but it is taking a long time to make the progress I would like to. I can see that the game potentially makes you feel super OP toward the end.

It's a rather simple fighting game but I really appreciate the accessibility of movesets. A very colorful cast of characters with pretty similar movesets but the game was obviously designed with fans of the mobile game in mind. Great side modes, beautiful art, a decently lengthed story mode, and a hilarious forum feature. I am enjoying what I am playing. Narmaya <333

I enjoyed my time with the game. Which is surprising because at first the exploration was really boring with these large open-ended areas. About 5 hours in I was hooked though, as the open-ended level transitioned into tightly designed platforming set pieces and some mildly amusing puzzles. Fallen Order is definitely the better game with its zelda-esque temples. But this game's story and characters keeps me seated for the experience.

In the negatives, the game's combat is jank as heck, enemies are hard to hit because of the animations and dodging and blocking makes no sense because enemies don't telegraph well or don't give you enough time to react. Pretty much the only guaranteed parry point is after an opponent parries you. Enemies can just randomly spam unreactable unblockables too. You are supposed to dodge these, but the dodge timing is so weird you could dodge, but then the enemy just homing missiles to your location and hits you anyway. Their definition of hard is just "block this mixup" every second while you are trying to heal. The game becomes a joke though if you go one spot down from the "normal" difficulty setting. I would not play it again especially for combat reasons, it just isn't fun.

Cutscenes and objectives are also jank. Cal frequently clips through stuff mid cutscene and some characters might just be T-Posing in the background. You may have to reset the game back to menu because something didn't load properly and you are softlocked. But at least it didn't corrupt my save like the first game did. Yay for bare minimum.

Exploration is where the meat of the game is and is super fun except when it just leads you to a dumb cosmetic for your weapons or one of five or so currencies that lead you to different vendors that also only sell you dumb cosmetics for your weapons. I'm cool with costumes, but the cosmetic customization for the weapons you can barely see is dumb. Think of something cooler EA!

The story is a bit shallow and predictable but it sticks the landing in the end with some pretty character defining moments for Cal. I root for him and his optimism throughout the whole adventure. Excited to see where he goes in the 3rd game that is inevitable. Hope it's good.

Magically beautiful and extremely approachable. I feel like this is my new fav shmup. Pretty easy to get the hang of and feels like it could be fun the master. Being able to upgrade at anytime is a treat but I feel like more could’ve been done to make your ship incredibly stupid (like 10 weapons slots and removing weapon overrides) but that would definitely ruin the games balance. A short and sweet experience though. Don’t come here for extremely hard bullet hell, its just a fun little treat for those who may just want to dip their toes in the shmup waters without getting too overwhelmed.

Just a fantastic and simple game system with it's own variations within itself. Great boss design for a card game. And I just loooooove game creators that are able to create a rich and colorful world and go crazy with it. Well made game. Difficulty can be a bit annoying if you get a bad deck and the biggest QOL issue is not having an undo button for misclicks.

I sorta put Yakuza in the same camp as some checklist simulators as Assassin’s Creed. But the crazy variety in content you get from story, sub stories, and minigames helps a ton to make the experience more enjoyable then those. Everything is so well done and smooth to transition into. This is definitely the shortest in the series, but it s a nice little treat to cap off Kiryu’s journey with.

Just your standard puzzle bobble. A welcome entry on the switch but not as good as spell bubble.

Just phenomenal. So many cute ideas explored shortly that don’t overstay their welcome. Wrapped in a convoluted yet world-rich plot that is ultimately is just about accepting yourself even if things are out of your control. Just a touch of jank keeps it from being perfect but thoroughly enjoyed myself the entire time.

It was pretty alright. I don’t think it is as phenomenal as some people are saying. Just an alright Mario game. Most of the levels are pretty boring until you hit a wonder seed, and then those go by pretty quick. Some wonder seeds are repeated a lot between multiple levels too. Bosses and castle levels are extremely disappointing. Definitely not the best 2D Mario, but it has a place because of how wacky some levels can get. I think level design is still way better in SMB3, 3D World, or SMW.

Honestly I don't really have anything to complain about, it's fine. Kinda feels a bit more like Sonic 1/2 then what I would've preferred (3, & Knuckles, or Mania). Level variety is nice, but camera is far too zoomed in to see where you are going and levels lack a lot of landmarks to make them memorable outside of the boss areas. But the level mechanics are varied enough to be interesting. I like the bosses in concept, but they are still kinda annoying to fight with a lot of wait your turn for hit moments.

Excellent as always, but the online experience is mixed. I like the new chaos in Salmon Run they have now. But playing without a team is near impossible, in all the modes. Story mode is great! Amazing level variety and interesting level design. Easy to get burned out without a good team to play with. Recommend with that in mind, and certainly fun to play for a hundred hours while you grind out the best gear.

Alright for a borderlands game. But the weapons somehow feel less unique and interesting when you get them, and every enemy feels a bit more damage-spongy. Dialogue is still great and is certain to give a few chuckles. Great co-op time waster as usual.