Still blessed by the amazing artstyle, movement, shooting and swordplay, but revisiting this classic just to be hit by an awful camera, terrible voice acting and mediocre level design hurt me.

Its still an unique experience and still the best mecha game i have ever played.

Being carried by its good battle system and that old school JRPG anime charm, Grandia II suffers from being too linear, unskippable spell cinematics and a bad script that wore out its welcome by the third act. Its still a fine JRPG, just one of its time.

Be wary of the PC version, it crashes randomly after battles. Theres no fix for it. I recommend emulating Dreamcast or PS2 to skip the load times on legacy hardware.

Stopped after the first job. This game is some idiocracy shit. This is the first time ive considered videogames to be a waste of time.

This game is the meme of the german person that turns on this game after 8 hours of real power washing at his job.

Ive worked jobs power washing and this game lives up to the name, its a tedious simulator to be catalogued as relaxing by the smoothest part of some zealot's brain.


Stray's most impressive feat is capturing the perspective of being a cat. It never feels like a gimmick. It tells a compelling story throughout from a unique perspective. Surprisingly, its strange, post apocalyptic, world feels complete, varied and inspired despite its small scale. Stray is more of a puzzle adventure with limited movement options. Platforming is semi automatic, with a prompt telling you where you can jump.

This robs platforming of all challenge or fun, keeping the game from true greatness. Even a Sly Cooper / Infamous system of platforming, which is magnetic to rails and small points would've gone a long way. As it is, Stray is a good game that will undoubtedly be considered a cult classic and one of the best of 2022. Its just not the classic it could've been. 8/10

The best example of a quality over quantity DLC. Every boss is masterfully animated and challenging. The final encounter might be the best animated set piece ever in a videogame.

Yes, the DLC is short in length. About one Cuphead Island long. Still, it made me glad to go through the whole original game as the new character Ms. Chalice.

Speedrunnning mixed into an FPS is the best genre mashup since Superhot. The game flows masterfully, clearly explaining its mechanics quickly and having you do crazy acrobatics the next minute. Restarting a level is necessary and instant with the press of a button. The game is a loop of discovery, failure, restart and speed. Its always fun.

Story and dialogue is 2000's anime as hell. While i enjoyed it, I know its not for everyone. It is skipabble.

The soundtrack is amazing and perfectly complements the action, making it one of the best games this year.

The developers of Streets of Rage 4 bring out another classic beat em up. This is the best Turtles games since Turtles in Time. Having a higher amount of levels that take less time to finish should be a standard for great pacing in this genre. While the game takes only takes 2 hours to finish, it has great replay value. Leveling up each of the 7 characters is a joy due to the amount of depth they've inserted into the beat em up style. Multiplayer is a blast but with 6 characters on screen you will loose where your character is sometimes.

Shredder's Revenge displays an insane love for the history of the franchise in each screen you beat up through. Its a modern beat em classic and one of 2022's best games.

Its easy to be captivated by Hollow nights impeccable presentation. It almost made me forget the horrendous pacing issues it has in its early game and the clunky map design. Still, the controls are precise, the action is challenging and once it gets going, it provides one of the better Search-Action experiences around.

If you want a discount MGSV, look no further. Its an ok game with vastly superior alternatives. At least the sniping is cool with the X-ray camera for an hour before it gets old.

An overlooked gem. This 2D X-Com lite is great fun. Its not perfect. The game couldve used better character development and the randomly generated maps can lead to some difficulty spikes, but the gameplay is so much fun it dosent matter.

For those without the nostalgia, it just shows how great the 3D Mario series or even the original Banjo Kazooie is. The slow as molasses movement speed and simplistic level design is indeed intended to the children a Spongebob cartoon is appealing to. At least he controls are good and the graphics capture the show's feel.

Still, this is pure nostalgia bait.

A decent Search-Action game. It starts strong but it devolves into monotony in the second half due to tedious water levels and frustrating puzzles. The melee system is robust and the movement controls are tight. Graphics are gorgeous, reminiscing a PS1 era art style. I could not use RTX, since it crashed 10 minutes into playing on DX12. Fortunately DLSS still worked and game ran great on DX11.

Its a shame FIST botches its second half. It could've been a hidden gem with its great movement and gameplay. There's potential for a dramatically better sequel if it has better level design.

A batshit insane sci fi story wrapped in mundane game play. Its a delivery man simulator for most of its runtime. Death Stranding will test your love of the monotonous though its game play since 80% of it is walking or driving from one place to the next. What makes this interesting is the amount of effort put into the terrain design itself since you can easily stumble, fall or break the cargo youre transporting. The game drips you solid upgrades when completing your deliveries including vehicles and exoskeletons. Also, there is multiplayer that consist of making your fellow players life easier by dropping signs, vehicles and even roads for them.

Death Stranding shows the value of people coming together through its story and game play in a wholly unique matter. It is impressive. A shame that the story is told in a overly repetitive and overexposed way. I get that the subject is convoluted and theres a ton of lore to explain, but it couldve been done assuming the player has a bit of brain retention and not repeating concepts right after the scene that explained them has ended. The story badly needed an editor.

Still, its a wholly unique game that will be divisive among people. It asks you to put your faith in while you just walk and administer your cargo load from one place to the next for the nth time.

A great concept brought down by weak gunplay and stealth.

Weird West has a fantastic premise and story beats that get you interested in its world but its ultimately ruined by its gameplay mechanics.

Shooting never feel good, accurate or satisfying. Going for a slow as molasses Stealth approach requires patience fit for a saint since the NPCs all react erratically and your crouched movement is way too slow (even after upgrades). The immersive sim mechanics are fine. Your actions have some sort of consequence, making the world feel alive. The game shows promise and begins to get interesting but then you're brought down when you start to play it.

A disappointment. I can stomach a great story if the gameplay is at least average, but this game just isn't fun to play.

Kirby's transition to a Super Mario 3D World level design is a triumph. Every power is upgradeable and fun to use. The secret filled levels are so inspired and the graphics are a delight especially in 4K, 60fps on Ryujinx.

Though, this game is more about an experience than a challenge. The games very easy difficulty might bore some but personally, the world is so charming that I enjoyed my time with it.