Holy Smokes. One of the best PS5 games I‘ve ever played in terms of graphics and optimization. Loved every single second and can‘t wait to play the other two entries.

Great game, fun and engaging combat with OOMPH to every lightsaber hit. The ending wasn‘t as good as I had hoped though, unfortunately.

Gorgeous graphics, highly emotional and catching story and a ton of customization options when it comes to your appearance and your gameplay style. Truly a piece of art.

Story 8/10
Gameplay 6/10
Graphics 5/10

I can see why this game was a huge deal back when it first came out, but the gameplay loop in my opinion hasn't aged very well.

A surprisingly well made and fun adventure into the world of Harry Potter.

+ the graphics are gorgeous (on PS5 at least)
+ getting from A to B is always fun, using the different mounts or just quicktraveling across the map
+ the German voice actors have done a solid job
+ the combat system is soooo much fun
+ the amount of love and the level of detail the devs put into the world and Hogwarts especially is truly mind-blowing

- the RPG elements are unfortunately pretty shallow
- taming beasts and using them to upgrade your gear seemed unnecessary for the most part of my playthrough
- NPCs and the enemy AI in general are not... the smartest

An amazing (and Free!) DLC. The devs really learned from the main game, and forged their experience and expertise into a more linear, lore-filled experience that was a lot of fun while it lasted. Also, it was nowhere near as buggy and broken as the main game, so that's a big plus.

At this point I've seen about 80% of the game and I feel like I can now give a well-funded review of the game. And what can I say, it's fantastic. Shocker, I know. Jokes aside, I'm baffled how Nintendo managed to get this game to run on Switch, and pretty much flawlessly at that. The freedom this game gives you is like nothing I have ever seen. Every puzzle can be solved in different ways, there is hardly ever this one right way to do something here. The developers took the narrative freedom Breath of the Wild's story had and built on that, making this an open-world game that has no linear story, but somehow still succeeds at telling the player a coherent story that is not tied to a certain path the player has to take. The only aspect I did not like that much were the cinematic story pieces that were tied to the geoglyphs, because due to the cinematics being tied to certain locations, depending on which path the player takes, understanding the story can be a challenge, and can lead to players experiencing plot points way too soon in their playthrough, leading to confusion or heavy spoilers. Other than that, this is a fantastic game and I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who would like a game with a beautiful open-world that keeps you hooked for hours on end.

Solid playthrough. I loved how compact this game was; it was fun, short and cleverly written. I also loved how detailed the ancient town is that you're exploring.

not as good as the OG, but still a very fun game.

I played this game EXCESSIVELY when I was younger. I remember having a great time with it, so :)

lmao I just saw all the bad reviews. Why though? I loved playing it back then. The fights were interesting, the touch controls were clever and holy heck, demoralizing the enemies was the strongest attack in the game, hands down. Maybe the plot was kind of shallow and maybe the pet hatching part of the game was kind of unnecessary, but it was still a fun game.

One of the best Pokémon games out there. Being able to have your favorite Pokémon walk around with you was a HUGE deal back then and I freaking LOVED IT. And then there was the endgame-content. Imagine my 9-year old face light up with excitement when I realized that you could explore TWO WHOLE REGIONS IN THIS GAME!! Also, the Pokéwalker feature was kinda cool. Did anyone else use this thing?

Thank god this is a separate entry from the disappointment of a "sequel". This game, especially in the first few years after its launch, was an example of well thought out and polished game design. The characters, the maps, the lore, the voice lines, the steady stream of new content, … Looking back, it‘s so sad that the original spark that had once lived in Overwatch is almost completely gone now in favor of a cash grab free to play shitfest with no clear vision and false promises.

One of the first video games I have ever owned. I remember having a great time with it, but I was 5 or 6 so it could also just be nostalgia speaking.

A fun little party game with friends. The controls, maps and power-ups work really well together and make for an exciting and competitive… racing game? lol