played on an emulator.
this is truly a game of all time.
was the scary and goofiest game at the same time

love this game to death, but i cant manage to give it more than 3 stars.
this is one of the oddest games ive ever played
i quite literally cant describe it. you should play it.
you either love it or hate it


adorable game BUT..
puzzles and gameplay are majorly lacking.
the characters are cute and all, but it doesnt make up for the boring puzzles.
i did like the story to some degree. the parkour and nimbleness are fun to mess with.

regret spending money on this but whatever
completely forgettable story. one of those ''chosen one'' tropes.
characters are boring
this game does graphics right. thats the only thing going for it
combat is... ugh
i will cut it some slack because i dont care for harry potter at all, just saw those cute animals and had to buy it.

this game is straight up BEAUTIFUL
in terms of story and graphics, i really did enjoy this.
im not really a fan of samurai or japanese culture, but MAN this game really had me hooked.
in terms of gameplay, i love the combat. it feels new and inventive, while still making sense in game.
i found the extra side quests to be a bit boring though.

i hate and love this game
beautiful graphics
interesting and quirky characters
performance is lacking

wow wow WOW
this is one of the most immersive and well written games ive ever played.
im 10 hours in and havent even scratched the surface of this.
YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME!! its 100% worth it!

zombies and free for all.
one of the best COD entries

terrible AC entry. i hate the new rpg style its going for.

man this game is so awesome

fun game, played with my dad
seriously, took us hours trying to beat one boss. never actually did

never played the original epic mickey, but i love this game to death

my cat loves watching me play it