Legitimately great survival horror game, even if it's more funny than scary.

Generic arcade racing game from before Burnout found its identity.

It's one of the better Smash Bros. games, but I still can't see it as much more than a party game that your overly-competitive friends will make unfun.

Needs more boards to play on with fewer annoying gimmicks.

I just wish the difficulty ramped up a bit faster.

One of the better Warriors games out there, but I don't have the time or energy to play something this mindless anymore.

Peak arcade racing if you wanna go fast and make cars go boom

Very difficult to play on a console. These are the kinds of games that led to the console shooter stigma. It's hard to judge much about the game given how difficult it is to aim with the single-shot weapons you get early on.

Corny story with mediocre third person shooting/brawling

Great for living out your Star Wars battle fantasies, but it's barely a competent shooter by today's standards.

Playing this on the original Xbox today is pretty rough, with some horrible framerate and texture pop-in that I remember noticing even as a kid when it came out. It's a lot of fun but it's no Halo: CE or Halo 3.

I've beaten this game more than any other. A formative experience playing this as a kid, and playing it as an adult is equally as enjoyable. The first five levels in particular are some of the best designed levels I can think of regardless of the era. My pick for the best FPS of all time.

The best of the series by far. The shooting is passable and a massive improvement from the first, and the game has a narrative focus that neither the first nor the third have.

Driving mechanics are wonky and the story is some hard cringe. The open world is pretty cool and I like some of the customization options, though. The music choices are incredibly underwhelming and I'd rather leave the radio off, which is a pretty big deal in these kinds of racing games.