The story is mesmerizing. The characters are lovable, and the lore is engaging. Materia customization is fun to mess around with and the combat is surprisingly addictive??

And easily the greatest ass-whooping final showdown ever made in gaming history. Legendary.

The replayability of the branching levels, the insanely rocking soundtrack, the colorful and detailed spritework, challenging but fair difficulty, optional hidden maidens to save, crispy and responsive controls, BRUTAL bosses, 80s anime aesthetic, an entirely separate hidden playable character, how charismatic and cool Richter is, the vital as hell sub-weapons, the GNARLY fight against Shaft (who summons a gauntlet of every boss from the original Castlevania), and the multi-stage fights against both Death AND Dracula make this the definitive Castlevania experience for me.

It's a shame how often this game gets overlooked compared to Doom and Doom II, because it's absolutely fantastic. Just absolutely bathed in an eerie atmosphere, with creepier monster designs, and featuring the single coolest hidden weapon I've ever shot a demon with.

Nightdive Studios is this game's saving grace.

A perfect marriage of Silent Hill and Resident Evil's individual gamefeel, with a completely unique and unmistakable art style.
It's also one of the most haunting love stories ever told. Terrifying, tragic, beautiful.

I'll forever have a soft spot for the first video game I ever played after my baby hands learned to grip an N64 controller.
It's ancient now, but it's still got a charming "90s polygon" aesthetic to it, and an ethereal, almost dream-like atmosphere.
But outside of the few unlockables, and to see the series origins, there's not much of a reason to come back to it.

This is the game that introduced me to Metroid, F-Zero, Earthbound and Star Fox though, and I'll always be grateful for that.

The pinnacle of pre-rendered background, fixed camera angle, tank control survival horror.
The strategy of deciding what to take with you and where to go, and the feeling of mastering the movement controls enough to duck and weave around enemies never gets old.
And of course, it still looks impossibly gorgeous today, over 20 years later.

Those youtube review videos weren't kidding.

Nemesis is one of the most white-knuckle controller gripping monsters I've ever screamed in terror at.

You want S.T.A.R.S.? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S.

This is one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again. This is THE video game that set the standard for what both video game voice acting and story telling could be.


idk how else to say this, but this may just be the most important video game ever made.

This game's story hit me like a freight truck.
I'm sorry to myself that I had waited so long to play this masterpiece. I get it now. It really is that good.
There will probably never be anything like it again.

Playing this game on an emulator with 60 fps and a mouse and keyboard changed my life.

100% nostalgia bias, but I'm always willing to look past some of the minor flaws because this is one of my comfort games.

idc how corny it is, that final chapter always gets me hype. Tikal and Chaos sweep.

I don't even know how to describe this. It's more than a game. It's a movie, a book, a tv show, a musical. The story is mind-bending and terrifying and hilarious and heart wrenching.

It's art.