only real OGs remember when there was no chris pratt mari

yeah it is legend of zelda tho not gonna lie ganon is kinda bad in this game

the story of this is just so goofy for no reason

this gives me enough adrenaline to curb stomp a newborn

honestly the only thing keeping this from a five is the final colossus and the horse was kinda wack sometimes

monke cave man skull in 🙈

this game feels like a love letter towards this whole series, played the first game when i was 5 because my mom said i am too young to understand it and since then the series became one i hold close to my heart and fills me with more joy than any other game series. This game might not be perfect but to me this is all i could ask for and then some, this is truly one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time and feels like me playing the first game at 5 and eventually playing all the others has led up to this game as a experience that i will never forget.

this has no right to have a soundtrack that slaps this hard

i spent 25 minutes of my life that i will never get back to get every skin

goddamnn how the hell is the soundtrack still sooooo0o goood

my pants is filled with an indescribable amount of feces

i swear it feels like he is on slow mo the whole game