peak. dimitri my wife i love you. please come back. (story and characters are all so good release me please)

this game asks the brave question: what if dimitri was normal

somehow they made a game that is the most fun youve ever had for like an hour, after which you would rather be shot than have to play another round

peak animal crossing. we will never have this back

played when i didnt have a switch for acnh, microtransaction hell so average mobile game i guess, still cute

sooo much fun with friends its insane but the actual game is just not that good, fun for a while yes but just okay

changed the trajectory of my life im sure

i have a puppy called aero on here who probably hasnt been fed in a decade:(

noone has ever beaten me at this game

might be good ill never know cant make it past 10 minutes

you had to be there for the peak

>be a 'make your own choices' game
>choices dont actually matter (epic)