will do until the next mainline i guess

pagan min is great, and i had a lot of fun with the gameplay so its a shame ubisoft doesnt seem to know how to write likeable side characters (or a likeable main character at that), like cmon ive played 4 of these now and i could maybe name 3 characters aside from the villains? the paths thing is cool, you get to chose between the guy who wants to marry off children and the lady who wants nationwide forced labour (for drugs at that!) .... ajay was okay i guess? its got a few cool details like the early ending, and i did overall have fun with the game and story (the traversal and open world are actually cool). so overall i liked it

fun little dlc, nice to get to see more pagan since he didnt get much air time in fc4, also this confirmed hes a bicon . love that for him , has some replayability but not masses imo, ive done it thrice myself but theres no reason to do more beyond that

somewhat janky gameplay be damned (i dont think its intentional but the disorientating camera actually works in the games' favour) this is definitely the best horror ive played, i dont wanna go on about it but mannnn the soundtrack is unbeaten, the ambience.. the way it tells its story... the characters... please play this game

has a great story and atmosphere which could be so incredible with updated graphics (konami please do something i love sh2 but this needed the remake so much more)

decent remake, definitely runs better than se does, on console at least but maybe not as well as you'd hope for the price. aside from that has some really nice qol changes (especially the building), and finally having mods on console feels amazing. i havent run into that many bugs on ps5 yet, nothing that you wouldnt expect from ark anyway so overall worth it if you liked se

sadly becomes super repetitive after a couple of hours, lacks any atmosphere you get from the movies, just play alien isolation instead👍

the characters and overall story/message have held up really well. some aspects of gameplay have aged into a frustrating mess imo but still enjoyable overall, looking forward to playing the other entries

i have so many thoughts that i cant like put to words but that entire codec sequence and monologue towards the end was amazing (i love a 4th wall break too) and the gameplay is a massive step up from the first in every way, much more enjoyable

this game (movie?) is such a confusing mess and i hated the fanservice but i appreciate the experience overall i guess?

the gameplay is not good enough to justify the story for me im sorry maybe i'll finish eventually

has sick graphics and flying mechanics and is completely wasted on being a seasonal pvp microtransaction hell slop