One song on the soundtrack saves it.

Second playthrough review:
Man this is probably just my favorite GH and probably rhythm game in general. The songs, the characters, the venues. They all create an amazing feeling for me. I don't feel this happy playing most games, this is special to me.

First playthrough review:
Amazing setlist, game feels great to play.
Standout songs are -
Brianstorm - Arctic Monkeys (not biased)
Incinerate - Sonic Youth
L.A. - Elliot Smith

It's just more (or less I guess?) Overwatch. I like it but, I just play it to hang out with a friend. Can't say I dislike it either, it's just Overwatch.

if you think you like this game, you don't

i did 75% of the boss rush portion at 1 hp, i think i'm him

4 stars until the acclaimed are in ✂✂✂

I just wanted to leave a review after a long time. I have 130 hours on this game. I 100% it at 36 hours and I speedrun it now (I'm like 27th). It's in my top 5 favorite games of all time. The movement is great, I LOVE the spraying. The music is outstanding but everyone knows that already. Just play it whenever you get the chance. It's short and very sweet.

Finished it again on PC (PS5 the first time), and it's just as fun as I remember. Need to go back for the NG+ this time around.

Claire is so raw bruh it's crazy

in colorado + arctic monkeys on soundtrack = goat

Definitely the best one, Harry is a REAL ONE!! I love that man.

Rated very highly for the zombies. I enjoyed the multiplayer a bit back when it came out, only got diamond snipers and quit though. The ZOMBIES THOUGH?!
Me and my friend went though all of the EE's around February and March and man that shit was hype. The only low point is Zetsubou because the forced challenged is really cringe. This is the end of CoD zombies for me personally. Revelations was a great cherry on top of 4 already great to amazing maps. Can't forget Zombies Chronicles as well, Origins is still awesome on this game.

This game is amazing. The OST is great, as well as the licensed tracks. I may be too familiar with the movement of Jet Set Radio, but this game does not feel as smooth to me (This could change I am going to grind this game for the next month.) I think this game is just as good as the first one, even if I prefer how the first one plays. Though I was thinking the other day about how this game managed to become more popular than the original. It's not even really playable if you don't have an Xbox. 99th Street on the 360 is pretty much unplayable, and emulation still has it's lows with this game. Very worth playing if you can get your hands on the proper hardware. I feel as if my playthroughs via emulating probably left me a little sour as I wasn't getting the true experience, I still love it nonetheless.