amazing multiplayer, zombies is awesome. finally was able to solo origins last night and that was like, my true goal for zombies overall. love this game <3

Can't finish this one yet since my capture card decided to die on me finally (RIP it's been like 8 years), but this one is awesome. Gotten me really into Interpol after hearing PDA on this game.

"no more crutch perks" says the ONE PERSON who hated the old perk system, yet still decided to make dying wish and bring PHD back... curious...

Sorry nostalgia haters, played through it this month for the first time since D2 launch and it's still an absolute 10/10.

this reminded me of destiny 1 a lot so i like it for that reason lol

My friend didn't download Halo 2 so we played this instead and I gotta say, it was really good...

i couldn't stop playing i beat it immediately, holy peak

Amending Chorus/Galloping Triplets on Knights of Cydonia has to be one of the dopest parts of this game.

this was as average as i remembered lol, chapter 5 - 7 are ROUGH to get through

top 3 vr game for sure, seeing fnaf stuff in vr is really cool. also makes fnaf 3 not a bad game lol

Best songs of the 3 dancing games, I love this one!

Xen is really freakin cool. I was shocked when I entered for the first time.

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half a star because it made my friend sad that they didn't play the song. smh smh smh

i played this while very tired and it was quite the experience (bad at puzzles)