(This review is also applicable to Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Crystal)

The Johto and Kanto experience is one unlike any other. I love the selection of Pokemon here, and though there are some valid complaints like the level curve and some new Pokemon being unavailable until Kanto, they don't really hamper the experience any.

If you want to play through the Johto games, Crystal is recommended as it includes some new story elements, but even more recommended are Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

This is a Marvel fan service beat 'em up done right. Not much substance to it, but there doesn't need to be. It's just pure fun.

This could have been Sega's answer to Smash if the Dreamcast had survived. A fun party fighter that's perfect for casual or expert players.

This game still plays well to this day. I went back recently and did another playthrough, and I was amazed by just how well each level was designed. Everyone hates the treasure hunting levels and the shooting levels, but if you take the time to improve at playing them, you find they make great escapes from your usual platforming stages.

Many have said this game hasn't aged well, and I would agree. That said, it's still pretty fun to play, despite its often frustrating level design and gameplay mechanics.

If it weren't for the awful camera on this game, I'd consider this one of the best 3D action games of its era. Really, it still is. I love the level design in this game, I guess I'm a sucker for "you're tiny, so everything else is huge" platformers.

Still a blast to play at parties with friends, but not real reason to unless you have the N64 out.

There's not really any objectives to complete here, so I can't recommend it as a single player game. If you do a lot of online or couch multiplayer, I highly recommend this, you will grow to hate your friends and the world.

The balance in this game is the best it's ever been in Smash, and so has the roster. That's literally all you need.

I'd give this a full five if it weren't for World of Light being lackluster.

This is a great game for both investing a lot of time into, as well as coming back to at later dates. It's nice and cozy like a cup of hot cocoa. And I love Blathers.

A fun followup to Sonic Advance with improved level design at the sacrifice of engaging platforming. For that reason, it's on the same level of Advance 1 but for different reason.

Really short game but full of fun levels, and of course, Chao Garden mini!

It's short and kinda easy, but I really love the level design in this game. It's a very fun Sonic experience for your pocket.

I'm not going to go through all the cliches that everyone else has already said, but if you haven't played this game yet, do it now.

While the level design was good, I felt the game's over-reliance on gimmicks, as well as the fact that each level was more linear than the previous game and you never got to really spend time with the stages like you did in Galaxy 1, I just don't share the opinion that this game is one of the best in the series. It's good, but not THAT good.