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Favourite part was Disc 1, running around Midgard. Also miss Aerith :(

This was my first time playing this game, and leading up to it I had heard so much about how terribly the graphics have aged, but the pre-rendered backgrounds just have so much charm, and the map layouts feel a lot more involved than some of the other older JRPGs I’ve played. Personally I think the graphics only really feel the most dated in the CG cutscenes.

Crazy that even though I really don’t care for much of the writing in this game, the presentation and gameplay still carry so damn far that I could just drop over 100 hours on it like it’s nothing.

Also the differences between Royal and the base game are pretty neat.

A genuinely miraculous feat of writing.

Weird cause I did nothing but play this game for weeks straight and dropped 80+ hours on it like my life depended on it, but the moment I finished I couldn’t even really tell if I enjoyed it. I think the characters were alright, plot was whatever, gameplay was neat but honestly kinda dull at times. But also if I hated it I would’ve never finished it so idk.

Absolutely incredible and disgustingly underrated.

I know the story is the main draw, and it really is incredible, but I was also pretty surprised how much I enjoyed the strategy gameplay part of it.

I have a lot of love for the digimon world and its characters, which is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for my appreciation on this game. The VN aspects were okay, but the TRPG gameplay kinda does overstay it’s welcome a bit considering how barebones it is, especially by the end.

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Honestly a pretty good time considering the hate for the musou genre in general. Strikers does a lot to diverge from the genre and brings in elements from the base Persona 5 experience. Obviously can’t expect the social sim aspect to be huge in this game, but I got to go on a Ferris Wheel date with Haru so I consider it a win.

One of the first games I got on my Switch. It was a pretty good time, though I wish there was a little more depth in the crafting/farming/exploring aspects. Also not sure if it was just the way I played, but it felt like a lot of the passengers stories just ended so much quicker after the first few. It does a good job balancing the melancholy and hopefulness around the subject though.

I think the alchemy and combat systems are pretty cool, but they just didn’t click for me. Might’ve been able to stick with it more if i had cared more about the characters. Don’t regret trying it though!

The art is so so damn nice, it’s one of the prettiest Otome’s I’ve seen, but I find that when Otome’s try to tackle more “serious” matters, the writing just gets so frustrating. A lot of the conflict and resolutions just seem kinda silly. Also the way the MC reacts to important things and completely forgets about it a few minutes later is painful. It’s a shame cause I really wanted to like this.

Played on Switch* pretty funky time, nice and short.

I’ve tried so many times to play and get into this game but I just don’t mesh with it’s writing or vibes at all.

Really cool! The art is super nice and the gameplay feels pretty good too. Also a big fan of a lot of the characters. Some of the puzzle bosses were pretty annoying at times, but it has that kinda old-school unfairness vibe to it a little.