Will come back when I'm not in the middle of my capstone

I got this game for $3 at Best Buy, and got at least $3.01 of enjoyment out of it. You can't beat that value, but you can play better flying and Star Wars games.

This game was a vehicle for another Wiimote.

I bought this from Gamestop the day it came out, April 6 2012. I would get my first COVID vaccine 9 year later on the very same day. In 2012 I had played, and beaten, Dragon Quest IV, V, VI, and IX, Chrono Trigger, and many Pokemon games. I knew I liked JRPGs, and this was the first JRPG that was released on a console I owned after learning that I liked JRPGs. This game is huge, loud, and crunchy.

This is a completely inoffensive Mario Kart. Better than MK Wii, not as good as 64 or 8.

I love games that are, fundamentally, interesting. Kid Icarus Uprising is one of those games. Masahiro Sakurai may be one of the greatest game designers of all time. This game should be as lauded as Super Mario Brothers 3 or Halo as an all time great. Anyone whose opinion I trust about video games likes this game; it's funky, messy, and wild. It's got online multiplayer that I put too many hours into when I should have been studying for AP European History. I got a 4 on the test, so maybe I studied just enough.

bought this game 2 days after came out at Toys 'R' Us. I was 17 and felt childish buying a Sonic game from a place that made me contact an employee to tell them what game I wanted from the case. I bought this game and Super Mario 3D Land that day it was released because Toys 'R' Us had a buy-one-get-one half off sale on 3ds games.

Sonic Generations is not as good as Super Mario 3D Land. This was the first game I traded into a Game Stop, and I bought Xenoblade Chronicles.

I love bowling, but this game is not even close to as good as Wii Sports Resort. Sorry!

While I had a Super Nintendo gifted from my Aunt, what I really wanted as a child was a Nintendo 64 to play Super Mario 64.

I played it again as part of the Super Mario 3D All Stars for Switch collection while my wife and I were in the UK's mandatory quarantine for new arrivals. I 100%ed the game in 4 days, a total of 9 hours, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

That playthrough satiated me forever. Unlike Super Mario World, which I will play forever, I don't know if I'll play this game again. My 5-year-old self would be shocked.

Ooccoo gave me nightmares.

I played this game after Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker. While Majora's Mask was dark, it was full of quiet moments of joy and reflection. This game is dark and Link is a wolf sometimes. It's better on Gamecube than the Wii.

A man from my parent's church gave us his Playstation with Spyro and Crash Bandicoot when I was a kid. He was moving to Washington DC for a job with his law degree. Eventually he earned a very high position in the Civil Rights division of the Justice Department during Trump's presidency. Donald Trump had a poor record with Civil Rights if you ask me. The best thing this man ever did was give me a Playstation. Definitely the high point of his career.

Crash is not good. I remember playing it and thinking to myself "Wow, this game sucks" as a 10 year old with a free game. I was 10 and thought that! About a free game that was given to me!!!

This is a perfect Pokemon game. I played it when it came out and have played it many times since. I love the colors, the sprite work, the world, and the Pokemon. I first beat this game with: Blastoise, Pidgeotto, Jolteon, Snorlax, Articuno, and Sandslash.

I didn't grow up playing a lot of shooters. I played at the homes of my friends who owned Xboxes, but I never owned one and I preferred Mario and Pokemon anyway. I inexplicably beat this game, although the campaign was bad. Online multiplayer was more fun, and to this day this is the only online shooter I have played consistently. Every time I died and the blood poured down the screen my mom said "That is so gross!" She was right, but it was also cool.

This game feels awful to control and fight.
Maybe the fighting gets better after grinding for levels, but it won’t fix the bad movement.

This was my first Pokemon game. I bought it at a Best Buy while on vacation in Utah visiting my Grandma. It was $29.99 instead of $34.99. My first playthrough my team was: Swampert, Pelipper, Hariyama, Kyogre, Pikachu, and Wailord. I loved Water Pokemon!

I've played it many times since that first playthrough. I love Hoenn. I love Mudkip. I love this game.