At the first university I attended I lived in the dorms. Two friends hated their roommates and basically moved into our dorm's living room. One of them had a PS2 and Final Fantasy XII. I watched them play a lot of the game together, mostly gameplay but I caught a little story here and there. The names of the characters were burned into my brain. I couldn't forget the semester I watched them play Final Fantasy XII, and I finally bought it and played it.

This game is the first Final Fantasy I've played and I truly enjoyed it. I wish I could have played it with my two friends. I messaged one of them about it while I played, but it wasn't the same as them sitting on the floor of the dorm room playing together. I loved navigating menus in this game. Any game that can make navigating menus fun is a good game. I loved figuring out gambits and tinkering as I went from area to area. Unfortunately, my problems with the game come from this same mechanic. It is exceptionally easy on the story path. I made the game play itself because I set up my gambits so well. While I did love the feeling of everything working out, I wish the game would have thrown more curveballs my way. On the other hand, the post game hunts cannot be solved by gambit tinkering. Levels are critically important, and if characters are underlevelled they are too difficult in a way that cannot be solved by gambit manipulation. I wish there were a middle ground of difficulty between easy story and difficulty post-game, but that is not the case.

I played this game from like 2009-2011, and I didn't like it as much as Roller Coaster Tycoon. It's not bad though. Maybe if I had played it in 2001 instead of 2009 I would have been a zookeeper instead of a teacher.

More Celeste. Celeste is the game that keeps on giving. It's like Mario Maker 2, except it's always good. There are no bad levels. I played this the day it came out and enjoyed it. I will play it again, even though I don't think the jumping is quite as good as Celeste.

This is my least favorite Mario Kart game. The item balance is wack. It's slightly higher than 1 star because I did enjoy playing this with my family, even though I didn't like it.

This game has a 420 69 joke, which would make me roll my eyes in any video game except this one-bit game about a cat in a robot suit. It's a good and short Metroidvania, the length that any good game in this genre should be.


Minit is as close to perfection as a video game can be. It looks great. It has goofy mechanics. It requires thoughtfulness and compassion. If more video games had visuals and stories like Minit the world would be a better place. Most video games do not looks like Minit, much less have stories like Minit, and the world is a worse place because of it. Play Minit.

This game is the sleeper hit of the SNES Online games on the Nintendo Switch. Super Mario World has been released countless times. I've played it on the Super Nintendo, the Wii, the 3ds, the SNES Mini, and the Switch. Everyone knows about it. More people should know about and play Mario's Super Picross. This game makes me want to scream in delight at its sounds, puzzles, and art. Seriously, Picross is good, and this is a good Picross!

This is 4 stars instead of 5 because most of the pictures were unrelated to Mario, which is bad because there's so much good Mario art in this game!

Persona games live and die by combat and characters. The characters in this game are great. I love them and their artwork. Their stories are genuinely tragic and heartfelt.

The combat, on the other hand, is a slog. I'm not one to complain about random battles. I've played a lot of Pokemon and Dragon Quest, and I can handle random battles. But this game? There are too many. I would be fine with random battles if the combat was quick or good, and it is neither. It takes so long to select what to do in this game. It's also more generic JRPG than SMT or later SMT games, which is such a disappointment. If battles moved even a little faster I think I would enjoy this game much more, but as it stands it was a slog to play despite the riveting story and great characters.

Into the Breach is a perfect game to look at and think about for 15 minutes without making any decisions. It's like chess with giant robots that make aliens kill each other instead of destroying machines. I've fully completed this game twice, once on PC, once on Switch, and I still see myself returning to this game in the future.

I know people don't like the New Super Mario Bros series. However, as a teen I wanted more 2d Mario. I had only played Super Mario World and I craved more. This game was more 2d Mario.

Some of my favorite Pokemon are in this game: Sawsbuck, Braviary, Stoutland, Excadrill, and Golurk. Despite my love of these Pokemon, it's a game I have a hard time returning to. It's infinitely more interesting than DPP/HGSS, and yet I don't return to it as much. Despite this ostensibly being the best generation of 2d games, it's lacking something that draws me back.

I beat the game with Samurott, Sawsbuck, Zebstrika, Braviary, Krookodile, and Haxorus. It's potentially my favorite team I've ever beaten a Pokemon game with even if I don't vibe with the game as a whole.

I borrowed this game from my band friend who played Bari sax on June 1st 2010. I finished it on June 8th 2010. 11 days after finishing this game I would begin Ocarina of Time. Later that day my dad's iliac artery would rupture for no reason, and he would enter into a coma. While this game is darker than Ocarina of Time, my time playing it was not as dark as my time playing Ocarina of Time.
This was my first Zelda game, and it was funky. I devoured this game. Although I used a guide, this is the first game I remember using a notebook for. The guide I used was bad, and my notebook helped me piece everything together. I love this game, and think it might be my top 3 favorite Zeldas, although giving it 4 stars should show what I think of the series.

I love everything about Johto. I love the colors. I love the Pokemon. I love the cities and the people.

I don't love the leveling or the way the game progresses. While it's possible to alleviate the grinding pain from rebattling gym leaders I wish the game was just balanced better.

I bought this game at Best Buy with my little brother. He bought Heart Gold. I beat this game with Feraligatr, Noctowl, Charizard, Ampharos, Hitmonchan, and Nidoqueen.

17 months after playing Ocarina of Time while my dad was in a coma in the hospital I bought a 3ds, Ocarina of Time 3d, and Starfox 64 3d. This game is exactly as good as Ocarina of Time, except the controls are nicer. My dad wasn't in a coma when I played this one.

I bought this game the day it came out at Toys 'R' Us. I was 17 and felt childish buying a Mario game from a place that made me contact an employee to tell them what game I wanted from the case. I bought this game and Sonic Generations because Toys 'R' Us had a buy-one-get-one half off sale on 3ds games.

This game is phenomenal. It's everything that's good about Mario. It's much better than Sonic Generations.