I wanted to love this game. The idea that I could be an American just mowing down nazis seemed perfect, but the game is just not good to play. It lacks the momentum of a Doom game, the level design feels put together willy-nilly, and the UI makes it impossible to tell when you're being shot or close to death.

I played this game immediately after Persona 5, which is a perfectly imperfect game, unlike this which is just imperfect.

I'll admit it: I'm a hater. I want to love this game. I think it's legitimately charming, has funny dialogue, and is a great critique of the American culture. But boy, this game sucks to play! I've played a lot of good JRPGs, and this is not one of them. Item management is awful. While there are no random encounters it's still tough to avoid enemies, so it feels like there are random encounters. The rollback health system only works in the second half of the game.

While I think so much about this game is good, actually playing it is not.

This is my least favorite Dragon Quest I've played (IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, XI). However, a "not my favorite Dragon Quest" game is still a good video game. I played it every day at my university in Fall of 2017. I had found a quiet hallway where people mostly did homework. I didn't feel like a goof bringing out my 3ds, so I played it after working out and before going to my 9am class. However, in October, an woman who was probably in her 60s began coming to the hallway to talk to her (adult) daughter on Facetime without headphones. I don't like when people talk on the phone in public because I'm a scrooge, but I try not to let it bother me unless the other person is on speakerphone. This woman Facetimed her daughter every day without headphones. I couldn't even ask her to please wear headphones or go to an area where people weren't doing homework because I was very obviously playing Dragon Quest VIII on my 3ds instead of doing homework. I changed hallways, but that woman still haunts me. I love my mom, but I don't want to Facetime her from 8:15-8:45 am every day.

I bought this game so my friend Jake could come over and play it since I went over to his house frequently to play Forza Horizon 4 (yes, I am an adult who went to my friend's house to play video games). This game is not as good as Forza Horizon 4. This game feels great to swing around in, and I wish there were more to explore than finding backpacks, sending drug dealers to jail like a cop, and aiding a private organization spy on ordinary citizens. But the swinging is real good.

I played through half of this game the way you're supposed to—exploring, fighting, scavenging, crafting, etc. I got burned out on the open-world aspect (seriously, if you want to hate open-world games play Morrowind! It's so good it'll ruin the genre forever). However, this is my wife's favorite game. I wanted to be able to talk to her about it. So I committed what some would consider a gamer sin, but I would consider a life hack: I changed the game to easy, ran from objective to objective, and upon arriving at the objective changing the difficulty to normal and playing normally. This made it play like an Uncharted game but in a good way, not in a bad way. Seriously, the combat in this game is real good, it feels like driving a stick shift while eating a good burrito.

I bought a Vita to play Persona 4 Golden, and this game is better than that! It's cute, easy to platinum, and makes good use of the weird Vita features in a way that is gimmicky, but doesn't make you feel like a knob for engaging with said features.

I liked this game, and then my neighbor borrowed it before his family moved somewhere that made it so he was no longer my neighbor, and then I no longer owned the game.

I love this game. It's like Street Fighter 2 with swords. I liked it so much I was going to compete with it, and then COVID happened. This game has delay-based netcode, which means playing online is awful unless an opponent is in the same state. I was going to overlook the lack of rollback netcode because I was planning on going to local events, but COVID put a stop to that and I stopped playing this game.

This is my favorite fighting game of all time. I put a lot of time and effort into this game, grinded a lot online and at in-person events (I also played UNIST). However, this game has delay-based netcode. When COVID shut down local events, all my play got moved to online. I stopped playing because without in-person events there is no point in struggling through bad netcode.

When I beat Persona 5 I had a hole in my heart. It seemed unfillable by any game—Wolfenstein, Monster Hunter World, Pokemon, nothing worked. Persona 4 Golden was the only thing that felt right, but only for a bit. The dungeon traversal and combat in this game are awful. Combat comprises a large part of what I love about Persona 5/SMT games. By removing the demons and making the party fight generic enemies that have pallet swaps in later dungeons. The characters are all annoying and immature in a way that didn't bother me in Persona 5. And finally, this game has some funky gender politics that just do not vibe with me at all.

The only reason this game is getting 2 stars instead of 1 is because, for one brief instant in the first 10 hours of the game, I thought it was as good as Persona 5. Boy was I wrong.

This is one of the best turn-based combat to exist. I like it, even if chaos is more American Libertarian rather than Le Guin-ian anarchism.

Curation: Bad
Levels: Great

I love 2d Mario. I played Super Mario World every day with my mom when I was in Kindergarten. Every level felt new and exciting. After learning all of the game it became an exercise of familiarity and nostalgia rather than the excitement of new Mario. This game is an Officially Licensed by Nintendo way to get that new level excitement. I wish there were more ways to search levels and better curation, but I love it regardless.

I 100%ed this game in 5 play sessions plus the years I spent playing these games as a child. So 100%ing this game took 5 days and 22 years.

This game has Guerrilla Radio, so that's a nice touch.

I just don't think it's that good

This game answers the question: What if Persona 4 was a good game?