67 Reviews liked by tilderu

- My second Steamworld game - it was genius of them to broaden to multiple genres. It has all the same essence of Steamworld Dig but develops the game world and places it into a totally new genre. The strategy gameplay is really tight - as smooth and easy and fun to pick up as the digging in the other game. They really know their genres - absolutely great game.

the most overrated game of all time. It's the Crash (movie) of the games world. Everyone thinks it's so good and so smart when it's an absolute garbage janky mess with massive amounts of bugs and a horribly written melodramatic plot about a whiney edgy dad

Played this during the free weekend with 3 other friends and we all had a blast. Extremely engaging and addictive shooter, genuinely the only game ever to get me engaged with deck building. The concept of using cards while in an fps gameplay environment is so unique and versatile and the developers clearly put a lot of time and effort into making the game very tightly balanced. Not to mention the 1v1 or 2v2 format and the fact that the game advertises itself as more of a game to play with friends rather than an online experience that depends on servers staying up as long as possible, it doesn't run into the future proofing issue a lot of other multi-player games run into. When I saw the trailers for it I was a little skeptical since it reminded me a lot of csgo or valorant and I really don't enjoy the positioning focused game play experience those games provide, however if you go into this expecting that kind of game that is absolutely not what you will get, friends vs friends is mostly about hectic and often chaotic close quarters combat encounters that focus far more on using your cards at the best times and your ability to track a target. It's certainly a gameplay experience that resonates with an old tf2 player like me more than walking around an empty map for most of the game until I turn a corner and get one shot through a wall 50 yards away.

This was the first video game I ever played. While raven's evident enthusiasm for the source material and appealing presentation compared to other budget titles of the era are notable, Marvel Ultimate Alliance can be a somewhat entertaining romp for comic fans, and a droll slog for everyone else. Also the game is completely unbuyable anywhere thanks to a copyright dispute between activision and disney, not to mention that the "remastered" version that was available on steam for a short time is extremely slapdash and buggy.



i got bored when it started being a city sim

somehow this website doesnt know this was on the DS, which is what im rating

why'd they make this kids game hard af

over my dead body am i giving this 5 stars

luigi looks funny when hes small

make zelda weird and esoteric again