valhalla me dio jumpscare......

Peak fiction
Edit: I've completed it 7 times already, one playthrough for each class, and 2 more, it's that good and fun

I think they dropped the ball in here
The world is cool and all but it feels fabricated and empty, the characters are paper thin borderline cringy
The explotarion is dreadsome without rewards or cool things to use
I think Obsidian REALLY fucked up in here, its truly a shame how Fallout New Vegas will still be the best Fallout game, even tho Obsidian try to hide by calling it "The Outer Worlds" lmao

this game made me appreciate soylent a lot more

Muy buen juego
dlcs no tocar por favor bajo ninguna puta circumstancia
Edit: más lo pienso peor me parece
Edit 2: no es un buen juego

Los videojuegos son arte, ¿Podemos dejar ya el debate?

Tienes que poner perspectiva a tu vida, salir de tu caja, y reflexionar sobre tu punto de vista ocho sojas sobre diez

if you fuck the port to the switch
im going to fuck you up

masuda me cago en tu puta madre

My whiskers couldnt possibly have done this im so so sad