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20 hrs ago

aquova finished Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
I know very little about the Alone in the Dark series, but I did hear that the GBC game was recently added to the Nintendo Switch subscription, passing over admittedly more well-known titles. I decided to try it out and see if this is a hidden gem I was unaware of. This game's big claim to fame is its visuals. It utilizes pre-rendered backgrounds for the character to navigate through, a technique that was very popular on the PS1 at the time, but seldom seen on handheld devices. A heavy amount of dithering was needed to give the visual fidelity required to convey a 3D space, which worked for the most part, but did occasionally leave certain screens a confusing mess. The small resolution of the Game Boy also requires smaller backgrounds that switch more often, which can be very jarring, but they used some clever tricks like sprite scaling to help maximize the available space. Overall, its a game that earns its reputation as one of the most visually interesting on the system. Note however, that it does not have the reputation of being a good game overall. While it might be interesting technically, the game is not very fun at all. The previously mentioned rapid switching of environments yields a confusing experience. The narrative is serviceable but with the game clocking in at only an hour or so, is very skin deep. The game breaks up its exploration with some 2D gun combat sections, which are really rough, and I hear can cause you to softlock a save as the game kills you outright if you have no ammunition. The audio effects are pretty awful as well, and to top it all off, they used a very annoying font throughout the game. It's a curiosity of a game saved only by its short length, but I think it was added to the Switch subscription to promote another Alone in the Dark title, not because this one was any good.

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aquova wants Bully

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