there are a lot of people who had an amazing time with this, and i sure do remember the Summer Of Pokemon Go, but i had a full time job and it didnt work properly on my phone at the time so i missed the boat completely. without that social element i cant really figure out the appeal unfortunately.

got quite into this for a minute! its fun to do training mode and just hit the xray attack button a bunch of times in a row, because i am (in my heart) a child who likes Mean Slapstick.

another victim of me thinking i like fighting games but actually just liking street fighter. i remember quite enjoying the story mode, but never having anyone to learn how to actually play against, which is crucial for the first couple weeks of learning a new fighting game.

on christmas day we like to watch kung fu movies and play dating sims. this was a fun dating sim to play on christmas day. i dont know who the fucking game grumps are and i refuse to learn, so i am fortunately free of the discourse nightmare that apparently entails.

i wanted left 4 dead but i opened up the game and it immediately started throwing lootcrates and customisation and paid DLC and all this other Stuff at me. no. get all this stuff out of here. i don't want to see stuff in my games any more. none of these dressup game options are even cute. everything has numbers on it. get them out of here.

honestly this might be the perfect racing game for me. lots of fun cars, arcadey enough that i dont have to learn what Differentials are if i dont want, fun customisation options, good slidey physics, vehicle deformation, all that good stuff.

it shone, pale as bone,
as i stood there, alone,
and thought to myself,
how the moon
that night, cast its light
on my heart's true delight
and the reef
where her body
was strewn.

playing without a guide open seems dangerous and ahistorical to me. amazing, iconic game, one of the all-time greats. can't stress enough, though, that you should be looking up the puzzle solutions whenever you're stuck for more than two minutes. that's how it's meant to be played!

eating the humans is a delight. couple of puzzles were too smart for me but luckily every time i got stuck and had to look up a solution, you get rewarded immediately afterwards by getting to eat a bunch of humans. cool game.

shampoo shampoo shampoo

quintessential trade show game, this one; cute, straightforward style, simple but challenging gameplay, and a custom controller which would never translate to playing at home. cool thing.

honestly i really loved looking at the architecture more than anything else. extremely cool apartment block.

Devotion is iterative horror, and i don't mean that necessarily as an insult; you can feel its influences strongly throughout (PT, silent hill, dark water, RE7) but it has a real character of its own. solid jumpscares, simple puzzles (altho i got stuck on one bit when you had to backtrack), good dreamy nightmarescapes. some real fun visual tricks and unexpected turns keep it interesting. cool game.

one of those perfect iOS games from the early days when people were still figuring out what the hell you make for smartphones. probably the peak of phone games, hard to think of any way it could be better.

vlambeer are an important video game company, i think, in what their output tells you about games culture from this particular time period. this probably counts as juvenalia in terms of their broader catalogue, but it's fascinating for that. i didn't play it much, but it's worth checking out if you're interested in Games History.

any time i get a game which is all about user-generated content i realise that im a dumb idiot who doesnt have any video game ideas. i then download everyone else's ideas, play it for about two hours, and quit.

honestly think i preferred this to Thirty Flights Of Loving. it's cool!