i like mario just fine and i had fun completing this but i cant imagine ever recommending a mario game to anyone

yes it's a youtuber game but i like jokes and toys, lets not take ourselves too seriously eh

accurate representation of being english, in that you're being hunted to death by irritating nerds that you should, by rights, be able to bully.

this game isn't much of anything but i guess it's interesting to think about this in the context of, like, Arma, DayZ, and then PUBG; they're of a similar cloth, but this one just wasn't quite There yet.

honestly a solid idea but it's so horrible to look at

what if you took a spreadsheet and made it as impenetrable as dota 2. i never want to play this but it gets an extra half star for producing a lot of pretty funny posts about accidentally making your horse the pope, but thats basically just madlibs so thats where my generosity ends.

just download old versions of 3dmark instead

i've got a mental map of basically every level in my head, including all the optional bits of side-story, which probably means it's a good game

played a bunch of this co-op but i dont actually think it's that much fun, i just liked hanging out with my friends

best possible execution of the dumbest possible joke, honestly some really cool ideas in this too

another fun oki game that i played obsessively for a couple weeks until everyone else stopped playing it. very cool and well-designed imo.

holds up way better than a lot of the games that were part of this late 00s platformer wave, mostly bc terry cavanagh seems Nice and this game is also Nice

they must have smoked beer or done weed to come up with THIS

hey im still in here! hey im still in here! hey im still in here!