probably the high water mark of the zombie craze of the late 00s / early 10s. like all stuff from that period, it's politically incoherent and much more focused on interpersonal drama than romero's good old-fashioned marxism, but it is genuinely well-executed and it gave me a lot of feelings and some very memorable moments.

why have i played so many of these fash games

always annoyed when i have to give a AAA game 5 stars but this one is basically perfect, unfortunately

jaws was never my thing and i don't like star wars

engagingly written and well-executed. discourse clouds my memory of it but it's a good example of AAA doing really tight game design that plays to its own strengths and i can respect that.

solid tech demo for new vegas. i have a lot of great memories of playing this but all the bits i liked seemed like they weren't particularly well thought-through or even finished really. bethesda are.... really bad at writing.


not nearly enough platforms listed in the Played On section here. i played this on a piano once.

played this up until a little after the big dad fight in the garage. pottered around a little more but i'd got all i needed out of it. why do games have to be so big and have inventory management systems and things? it was perfect up until you started having to find keys for doors and craft items. still that early section is badass and it's worth playing for that alone, even if you quit out immediately after.

Game Figuratively Written By Reddit Literally Not Nominated For Writing BAFTA

liked this at the time but unfortunately it has superheroes in it, the unforgivable sin

when i was in halls of residence at uni we all had phones in our rooms that could do conference calling to other rooms. since not everyone had a mic headset, we'd play left 4 dead with the phone handset strapped to our heads via headbands, all on one conference call. that was a fun time.

yes its technically better but i liked the No Mercy map very much

ive tried to play this like four or five times and i still think its the most impenetrable game ever made. street fighter is hard but at least you can tell when you're winning. i've got like ten hours logged on Steam and i still dont know what the objective of a match is.