Let me tell you something. This game will NOT hold your hand in any situation. If you get lost in a dungeon, good luck figuring out where to go, especially Water Temple, who thought of that?
But it's still a 5 star game, maybe the graphics are a bit dated, but who cares. You are probably missing out on a game that made history, that is etched in people's minds. That is what I call art. Ocarina of Time is art.

Wow, I've finally finished the game, it took me a while but it was worth it.

Loved the characters, music, story, pretty much everything as far as I can remember, the only thing stopping me from putting this game as 5 stars is the combat system. It's very repetitive, and gave me some PTSD from Chain of Memories with the "Deck Commands", just thinking about that game makes me sick, but I digress, the game is still fun and enjoyable.
Highly recommended.

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Since I didn't play the game and only watched the three-hour film, I didn't feel like writing a review without pointing this out, so now that I've got that out of the way, I can express myself.

It's a bit boring, in my opinion, I feel like they dragged the story out for way too long, I almost fell asleep during the cutscenes because half of the cutscenes revolve around Roxas eating sea salt ice cream for 358 days straight, and yes I know Roxas story is sad and all, but with that kind of narrative for me it was kinda boring and not engaging at all.

Oh well, at the end of the day I'm a little disappointed, because this is probably the best story in Kingdom Hearts by far, but told in this way I just can't forgive it.

Also, why is it marked as a quiz/trivia game?

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Not bad, it was nice to see CS mechanics in a single player campaign, a decent and playable game.

The maps are also very detailed and nice to navigate, the only flaws in the game is the repetitiveness from mission to mission, basically you do the same thing in every mission: go there, get that item, blow up that door, kill that terrorist, rescue hostages, basic CS stuff.

At the end of the day they were trying to make a single player Counter-Strike that was a bit like the COD campaigns, and they succeed, but it's too repetitive and it's also a bit difficult at times, especially in the final mission.

So, what can I say about this game? This game was a huge part of my childhood, and while it may not be one of the best games in the world, it is definitely the ultimate Dragonball game.
This game had everything I wanted as a kid, from the characters to the story to the fantastic stages that were perfectly recreated in video game form.
I still love the Budokai Tenkaichi series, and I look forward to Sparking! Zero, in the hopes of reliving my childhood.

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After months of being told to play it, I finally finished Kingdom Hearts 2, and I have to say they were right about everything they told me.

I had a lot of problems with KH1, I talked about it before, problems like the camera, the very repetitive combat, ATLANTICA.

Kingdom Hearts 2 fixes everything that was a problem for me,
the entertaining combat, the boss fights that keep you on the edge of your seat, the Organization XIII character designs, kudos to Square Enix for making a sequel that fixes all the problems of KH1.

I only have one problem with this game, and it might just be my problem, but some boss fights are really easy. I don't know if it's because I'm good (I highly doubt it) or because the game is a lot easier than KH1, well, probably because you can do crazy combos that take away a health bar in 5 seconds.

For example, the final boss. Xemnas. the last fight with Xemnas is really easy. i think there should be at least some difficulty in the final boss, and i was scared of the final boss! What a fool.

To end on a high note, you have to play and finish Kingdom Hearts 2 at least once in your life. It is really fun.

An excellent spiritual sequel to Jet Set Radio, I congratulate the game designers for getting right the style that makes Jet Set Radio famous.

Talking about the gameplay, it's very similar to JSR, but you don't have to use rollerblades, in fact you can also use BMX and even skateboards, although they all work the same way, I think that's a good thing, in the end it's like playing JSR.

For the music on the other hand I'm a bit disappointed, I had high hopes for the soundtrack of the game, just because they announced a collaboration with the amazing composer Hideki Naganuma, the historical composer of the JSR series, I thought Naganuma did the whole soundtrack, but in the end Naganuma only did 3 tracks for the game, I'm not saying that the rest of the songs aren't decent, there are some amazing bangers, like I Wanna Kno by 2 Mello.

Overall, the game has been built on the foundations laid by Jet Set Radio, creating a new fun experience.

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Metal Gear Solid to me is a video game that is perfect in every way, the game that we see now, that started a fantastic video game series, has unfortunately been unraveled by Konami themselves into something that is not Metal Gear. It is now a shadow of its former self.

Hideo Kojima left us with dramatic scenes, but also funny interactions between the characters, with emotions that even I could not describe. Like Wolf's death, the fight against Gray Fox, meeting Meryl, and the iconic Psycho Mantis boss fight.
All of this affected me deeply, I would never have continued to play video games if this game had never existed, I always play MGS at least once a year just to relive those emotions again, so I will always thank Hideo Kojima for the experience he gave me the first time.

Without Metal Gear Solid, I'm not sure I'd even be into videogames.

Kojima strikes again with Death Stranding, and I'll be honest. I was a little skeptical before playing this game, thinking it would be too boring or repetitive, but in the end I was hooked.

From the amazing soundtrack created for the game, the environment surrounding Sam, I'd say Kojima built a very charming game, and even relaxing at some points, I'm especially fond of when the music plays during a delivery, it's like perfect for this type of game, so perfect that when I used to walk to school, I'd always have some Death Stranding songs on my phone, I recommend listening to the whole album.

I've never played a video game like this.
Please try it out.

not the story.

This collaboration between Square Enix and Disney is phenomenal, I think no one expected it, and it is a perfect fusion of two different worlds, unfortunately the game has some problems, especially with the movement, camera and also the combat system, it is not refined at all.
Also the worlds can be a bit repetitive.

This is the game that changed my life.

I know this game better than I know my house.

The first Monster Hunter is a disaster of a game because the controls are horrible, the concept of using the analog as an attack is really stupid, combine that with the unresponsive camera and the disgusting hitboxes, makes the game really unenjoyable in some aspects.

After this, I firmly believe that Konami should stop making video games and other types of media and concentrate only on making pachinko machines.

A very unique title, although I think this version of the game is not the best, I really like the style with which the game is presented, despite this I didn't really like the combat system where you have to essentially touch the screen in different ways (depending on the pin equipped). I found it very frustrating in boss fights. Despite all that, I consider this game a great starting point for the sequel.