The combat in Tales of Arise is definitely very fun, but is not very deep compared to other entries in the franchise. The story starts off very strong, but begins to get very bland and boring towards the half-way point. The characters are also nothing to get excited about either and don't contribute to wanting to progress the story. Definitely a step up in the graphics department and am glad that a Tales of game is getting mainstream attention, but just an average game in the series for me that I had to almost force myself to finish.

Best story in the series for me. Maps are well designed, varying completion objectives for chapters. Well balanced in terms of difficulty.

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Ending of chapter 8 on its own makes this game a masterpiece in my eyes. Really opened my eyes to the magnitude of what Falcom is trying to accomplish with this series. My 2nd favorite game in the series

Although I love this game, I think Kevin's story is pretty weak compared to the rest of the Kiseki games. What makes this game a 4/5 for me are all the doors in the game. The amount of lore and foreshadowing that is contained in these doors made me so excited to play the rest of the series. If you've gotten this far, you've probably fallen in love with so many of the characters that just seeing side-stories with them as the main focus is so rewarding after playing through 2 full length JRPGs to get here. Star Door 15 also begins the exploration into my favorite character in the series.

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This game is a bit slow and these characters do not get to shine as much as they get to in Ao no Kiseki. However, this game has my favorite moment in the whole series for me. Renne's story arc coming to an end is one of the most heartwarming and touching stories I've ever witnessed in fiction.

One of my favorite games in the series. Such a great time with Rean being an instructor and seeing him bond with his students is very heartwarming. This game also didn't struggle with feeling too harem-y yet. First two chapters are so engaging with such great destinations for field studies that really reward players who have played through the rest of the series.

My 2nd favorite single player game of all time. Definitely some nostalgia bias, but its perfect to me

Not my favorite in the series. Not a fan of trying to break systems/gameplay. Don't really enjoy waifu emblem aspect, although I think this game wrote most of their supports decently well as opposed to games like Fates.

Best presentation of any Fire Emblem game I've played. Voice acting and cutscenes were amazing. From what I've heard this is pretty true to the original, which unfortunately means it suffers from outdated map design, etc.

My first Dragon Quest game. Honestly had a lot of fun with it. I don't think the overall plot was very engaging. Tons of charming characters and cool progression system with your characters. This game has great presentation

Played X for the first time in 2020. Quickly became one of my favorite JRPG stories. Although the story is cheesy, there's something nostalgic about the writing that made me not mind. Some of the tracks in this game are so memorable and great. I really wish this game had better voice acting, it was hard for me to take seriously at times. As for gameplay, the battle system is great with a great progression system for characters, but the dungeons have dated designs and haven't aged well in my opinion.

Beginning of my favorite single player game series of all time. The series does start very slow and can lose a lot of players in the beginning, but the game really begins to pick up towards the end of the 2nd chapter.

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Definitely not a bad game, but could have been so much more. For me a game of high highs and low lows. Female character development suffers so much because they all must be available for Rean and all their bonding events have to do with this. Its ridiculous how much better the male character bonding events are in this game. Getting to reunite with all the previous protagonists is a treat.

My first experience at playing a Musou game. Wasn't a bad experience and I had a decent amount of fun. It just is very mindless at times and doesn't do enough to change up its gameplay.

Can't believe I played through the same game again