Easily one of my favorite games in the series, it has a lot of charm but like all Warioware games it's pretty short

Good game but I didn't like how the game forced you to start a section over again if you made a mistake. I didn't mind the backtracking too much either, I liked finding new treasures or abilities and it was satisfying when you could get to an area you couldn't get to before

"It’s difficult to label any video game as truly perfect, but Ballz 3D may be the closest thing to perfection that gaming has ever seen. More than two decades on, it remains a high point in the fighting genre that all gamers need to experience at least once, and it’s easily the very best fighting game on the SNES."

Dribble and Spitz had my favorite stage music

I know a bit about Yuu Yuu Hakusho so I got some enjoyment out of it. It was fun too, especially the 4 player mode

For me this wasn't as good as Gunstar or Alien Soldier but it's still an interesting and fun title from Treasure. The difficulty and level design aren't good later on but I liked the weird atmosphere and music

It's not bad at all, but having to go on red crystal missions to leave the level is

FE6 has a lot of flaws but it's still my favorite FE game

I preordered this at full price and now it goes for $10 or $5 on ebay


Amazing game that was overlooked due to being at the end of the MD's lifespan. It would be nice for Sega to bring Ristar back too