83 Reviews liked by twist

I haven't played this game but Tracer is a b-e-a-uty 😉
whistles 😙🎵🎶

Rule 34 😉 mmm mmm 😘

Dunno if I'll play it some day 🤷 Not into shooter games meself 🔫🔫 But I LOOOOOOVE 💖💖💖 TRACER!!!

mmmm... me luv tomboys... 😋 Yummy yum yum!!

The video game so good that it spoils you for all other action games for life. AND its yaoi

The other day the AC unit broke in my apartment, and maintenance sends up this kid (probably 16 or 17) to set up a portable AC unit until they could get it fixed. He looks over at my computer and says "I like your setup, what games do you play?" I tell him I hop between things and crank my brain up to Jimmy Neutron-brain-blast levels of power trying desperately to think of a single example of a video game I've played that a normal person would know, and I end up going "oh, have you heard of Dinkum?" He shoots me a look, immediately says "uh, no. I play Apex," and leaves without saying another word

God I just wanna inject this game into my bloodstream and overdose. Then I'll be as lifeless as this shit!

This may be one of the worst games I've ever beaten. And I play sports games



You don't do anything in it besides flexing your digital furniture that costs real money. It therefore becomes a very expensive life simulator game.

This review contains spoilers

Before I started this game I told my boyfriend that I hoped the game would have me draw a dick to solve a puzzle. 90 minutes later he heard me yell "HELL YEAAAAAA"

I am really conflicted on this game.

In one hand, I really love the Yakuza formula. Charismatic characters with a heart of gold are set against impossible odds in tales fulls of melodrama, murder and mystery.

However, the change from brawler to RPG took me more time time to adapt than I expected. And some of the RPG mechanics weren't really that good or well executed. Not to mention the grind necessary to pass one of the chapters is way too extreme.

Despite this, I really enjoyed my time with Ishiban and his merry band of friends.

Chamei uns amigos pra vir em casa e a gente

it's so tantalizingly close to being my favorite persona game, but misses the mark enough to be my least favorite. still a very solid rpg with great atmosphere, but i sure do wish there was more of that atmosphere and less of a closeted high school friend group microagression simulator sometimes

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

2 stars because Mario's doing a 2 at me

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

You can give people POOP as PRESENTS and you can FIGHT PEOPLE

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to throw your hat and you get to turn into bad guys with your hat! And also you get to turn into Toads [laughs] no but it's funny!

Also you get to run and also you get to somersault!

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I love giving people Poop Presents!